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[EPIC] On the Merger

15 Day 894, 15:08 Published in Canada Canada

This week, history was made. The Canadian Social Democrats and the Canadian National Coalition both voted to merge into one new party. And so, the Egalitarian Party of Independent Canadians became a reality.

I urge all CNC members

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CNC Prime Ministerial Candidate

13 Day 834, 07:39 Published in Canada Canada

CNC Backs Chucky Norris

February just flies by, doesn't … read more »

CNC February Congress Team

10 Day 828, 04:08 Published in Canada Canada

It's that time again, eCanada. Time to cast your vote, and choose the Congress that will lead our great nation through this next month.

The Canadian National read more »

Join the CNC today!!

11 Day 815, 11:04 Published in Canada Canada

As one of the top five parties of eCanada, the CNC hopes to get more people politically active. Why should people care about politics? Because every voice and idea is important and even those who dislike politics should be given an opportunity to

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CNC weapons now hiring!

2 Day 804, 14:30 Published in Canada Canada

Today, we at the CNC are pleased to announce the startup of our new company,">CNC weapons! We are now hiring workers to come work at this new company. PM the [url=http://www.

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