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New things are written on ancients tablets, about life, war and politic.

Translation: New Owner of this acc.

1 Day 1,300, 07:35 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear old friends!

Yesterday, one of my p[al ask if we now an eRep account? Ans I ave him mine, coz I dont need it any more. You can still find me "youknowwherebutwedontsayitsname" and the new owner is a hungarian guy wthout any eNZ relations.
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Új tulaj

5 Day 1,299, 10:30 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Kedves olvasók,

ezúton szeretnélek tájékoztatni titeket, hogy Gilgames abbahagyta a játékot és a karakterét rám hagyományozta. Amennyiben vele lenne valamilyen ügyes ügyes bajos dolgotok, megbeszélnivalótok, akkor kérlek ne itt írjatok neki.

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The Final Task

10 Day 1,298, 02:02 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Farewell Everybody

It looks like finally I can tell you a thing! I wanted to share that with you before! If you are full of shit, about Plato`s ideas and want to experiance something more believable TRY THIS:


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Complete guide for newcomers!

16 Day 1,296, 03:25 Published in New Zealand New Zealand First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Hello, citizen

I am the Education Minister and this tutorial will help you trough the game mechanism, what you will learn fast 😃 So read it and if you have any questions dare to send me a mail, or visit our [url=

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The Second Task!

1 Day 1,293, 14:12 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear fellow congressmen!

I propose this law with the hope of understanding me! If you visit and study our economical situation, you`ll see that the VAT tax income read more »