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Love CZ, Serve CZ! Meet Clara Bara

5 Day 758, 12:13 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

I want to tell thank you to people that were working to get me a Citizenship. Now I will contribute back to the Czech society with my kitchen stuff.

I was doing this while my stay in Canada. I will continue doing this here in my small new

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Eat and Vote in NB

1 Day 731, 03:40 Published in Canada Canada

Caraquet, NB is the Cultural Capital of Canada. I am going to Congress from here.
The new congressman party will be held in Cafe Phare

Clara Bara

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Bad Guy's Business Lunch - Tequila

3 Day 685, 13:57 Published in Canada Canada

The most popular way to drink a tequila shot, is as follows: You first moisten the area between the index finger and the thumb while keeping your palm facing down and your thumb sticking outwards. The native's moisten it by licking it. You now pour

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10 Day 684, 20:26 Published in Canada Canada

Hi Canada,

I will be cooking daily stuff for you. I also have Q1 houses for 3.5G.

Chicken breast with skin - 4
Honey - 1 tbsp
Paprika - 1/4 tsp
Lime juice - 1 tbsp
Oil - 1/4 cup

Mix all ingredients well in saucepan and warm just

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