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An explanation you deserve...

103 Day 785, 12:56 Published in Croatia Croatia

I'm writing this as a response to this article.

So please... wait before you judge people, before you judge your government, as you probably know
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Mechanika wojny, czyli trochÄ™ teorii i trików.

50 Day 762, 11:21 Published in Poland Poland

Witam, zainspirowany artykułem r9dom1aka postanowiłem opisać Wam, przede wszystkim młodym graczom, szczegóły mechaniki walki i prowadzenia

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From "Failand" to PEACE

185 Day 684, 12:06 Published in Poland Poland

Hello dear PEACE members!

This is a response to BattalGazi's article called "From BattalGazi to Failand".

As I see you forgot to turn on your brain after

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20 Day 683, 11:42 Published in Poland Poland


Słowem wstępu - jak pewnie wiecie jutro rozpocznie się wojna pomiędzy Polską, a Litwą. O ile nie dopisze nam pecho-lag, to uda nam się zaatakować 2 regiony naszego rywala wspomaganego jedynie przez Francję i Chiny. Wiemy, że jeden z

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Weapons from Poland | Fight in Slavonia!

33 Day 639, 07:09 Published in Croatia Croatia

21:25 CEST - I'M NO LONGER SELLING WEAPONS; I'm going afk, anyways all this was a great success, I've sold 134 weapons from Polish market, the price of q1 weapon in Poland went from 4.82 read more »