Zero Hour.. And A New Revelation

Day 674, 00:27 Published in USA USA by Malicia Savage

What a difference a day makes.

One minute I'm preparing my final edition for the Congressional elections that are now on our doorstep when the unthinkable happens. I'll go more into that in a little bit, because I'm not going to be deviating from my original plan. I just need to take a slightly different turn with things. Oh, yeah. And a lot of people have been asking me which way I'm leaning on election day. I'll finally answer that question in this article. I promise.

First off, I'd like to give a shout-out to our forces who have been doing one hell of a job in getting North Dakota and Montana back from the Hungarian forces. With every day, their stake in the US is dropping, and it's only a matter of time now before they realize they can't win. And now our fellow patriots in New Jersey and Maryland are fighting hard to get those territories back. The Stars And Stripes will once again be flying high. It's only a matter of time. Russia and France are on their last legs. The end of the war is near. And it's all because of our citizens. Those who stand and fight for the right to fly Old Glory and proudly proclaim themselves Americans. To all of you, I give a bold, hearty HAIL AND KILL.

You'll notice I've toned things down a little bit tonight. That's because there's something even more pressing on the horizon. We're going to the polls to elect our next Congress. As some of you know, I've been keeping a close eye on the race in South Carolina. Earlier today, I put the word out to the main candidates in the race and invited them to respond to one simple question.

What do you consider to be the most pressing topic in your state, and how do you intend to tackle this issue?

Here's how they responded (and this IS verbatim- nothing has been edited or removed lest I be accused of playing dirty pool)

"I believe South Carolina has no significant problems, but the main issue i will focus on as senator is raising funds for a Q1 hospital, but know that i am the sole fundraiser, so it may take awhile, but once the funds are raised and the hospital is bought, congress has agreed to place it, and my second most important issue which is equally as important as the first is giving the state honest representation." (Deleruin, Libertarian candidate)

"The biggest issue facing the US at this very time an moment, is admittedly uninformed citizens, two-clickers, and people who don't follow orders. We rely on every one of our citizens for the backbone of our country, and we have had battles where the difference was literally less then 1k damage was the difference in a deciding battle, and if just one person didn't fight, we would've lost. It's these citizens, two-clickers, and those that put up 100k damage in a useless Colombia battle that are our problem. How will I solve it? I will encourage new player awareness, work to improve the Welcoming Committee, yet again encourage a revamp of the US Mentor Program, and lead new players to the right path. As a former eNOVA Mentoring Project Manager, and a self-made mentor, I know how important new players are to the success of the US, and they need to be just that: informed, as we never know when the next economic genius or monetary expert pops up." (Daniel Hawkins, UIP candidate)

"The most pressing concern for South Carolina at the present time is the disturbing lack of activity and general well being. I have been through SC Population several times and have looked at most if not all of the SC population. From my estimation nearly 70% of the population is inactive, dead, or a citizen of Portugal from when citizenship was initiated. To work to deal with this issue, I will do my best in Congress to grant citizenship to those in need in our fair state, while weeding out PEACE Operatives. This disturbing problem has also lead me to conclude that I may need to fight for the Q1 hospital sooner than expected. A Q1 may not look great but it greatly improve the situation in our state. While we cannot force people to open businesses in our state during this period of high taxes, I will urge my friends who plan on starting a manufacturing or construction company to at least look at South Carolina. I thank you for the opportunity and wish you a good day." (Devan Kronos, USWP candidate)

"In my opinion, the most pressing issue concerning South Carolina is prosperity. Can the problem be traced to one source? Of course not. Everyone has been focusing on the primary issues that would turn this state around- whether it be bringing new people in, improving health care or defense. I believe that if we're going to make South Carolina a state to be reckoned with once again, it needs to start by bringing new business to the state, which in turn will create jobs, which in turn will bring more citizens and more tax revenue to the state in order to finance the necessary medical and defensive upgrades. While a Q5 facility is unrealistic, a Q1 isn't. And a Q1 can be upgraded. My plan is to fight to get these facilities into South Carolina as well as initiatives to bring businesses to the state which will benefit not just the state, but the nation as a whole." (Artec, AAP candidate)

Earlier on today, I also had the chance to speak with the top dog. That's right, US President Gaius Julius himself. Being relatively new on the media scene, I was somewhat surprised that I was able to get a few words from him so easily- the man's got a lot on his plate organizing the reclamation of this great country, and he definitely deserves a lot of credit, not to mention consideration when the next elections come along. He wanted me to re-iterate the importance of casting your vote on Election Day. It can't be stated enough, people. You have the right as Americans to choose your representative. USE IT.

Okay. Time for the big news. I've been asked to run for Congress myself. Yep, that's right. Talk about one hell of a shocker. Especially when the leader of America's largest political party asks me to announce my candidacy in the Sunshine State. That's right, loyal readers. Your Savage One is now running for the America's Advancement Party in the great state of Florida. So as you can probably guess, I am throwing my FULL support behind the AAP and its candidates all across the eUS as we attempt to rebuild this great nation. There's a fantastic group running under the AAP ticket from coast to coast, all with one goal in mind- prosperity for the entire country and freedom from those who seek to destroy our way of life. From Mr. Havox in Oregon to Rheinlander in sunny Arizona all the way to Artec in South Carolina and now your Malicious One here in Florida, we want to represent everyone from coast to coast. But we can't do it without each and every one of you exercising your right to vote on Election Day.

In a matter of hours, the polls open. Do what's right. Do what's American.
Stay Savage.