
Day 629, 10:30 Published in Israel Pakistan by Katharos45

I am here today to talk about Zammuelism.

Q:What is Zammuelism?
A:Zammuelism is the belief that Zammuel is the god of all things.We focus on getting Kazakhstan into the game. Then we will help it become a strong country.Until then, we focus on getting more followers, and places such as Malaysia are our main areas of preaching.

Q:What makes Zammuelism better than the other religions?
A: Unlike most religions, we have a structure, a newspaper, a moderate amount of followers, and a forum. We are a small but friendly community of people. We are also fast growing, and get new members every other day.

Q:what are you're main beliefs?
A:1: Each of my followers may interpret me as a deity however they wish - rather as a peaceful god or one of war; it is up to them.

2: I encourage peace with heretics and mutual understanding - HOWEVER, if they themselves continue to show hostility towards the Truth, than you have my support in converting them.

3: The only land that Zammuelism looks to take is Kazakhstan, also known as Zammueland (see what I did there with the l? I am clever, am I not?). I do not encourage Zammuelists to take over others holy lands (Namely Pakistan) and encourage preaching around the UK (Namely Scotland), the Northern USA, North Korea, Canada, Ireland, Germany, and Japan. I heavily discourage preaching in the aforementioned Pakistan, Turkey, Hungary, Russia, and especially France (which is full of mutant-lizards who betrayed my father).

4: Everything I say can be interpreted as you will.

Q: How do I join?
A😒imply PM Zammuel([url=http:////][/url])and he will add you to our ranks.

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