Your Main(e) Man(iac) on a(nother) Mission

Day 668, 19:53 Published in USA USA by Rex Object
Your Main(e) Man(iac) on a(nother) Mission

Ed. Note: When we last left Rex, he was chatting up a spandex-clad William Shatner while slamming mimosas and eating fried goat in Canada's only gay Iranian S&M dungeon bar, where he'd been dropped off by a drunk Inuit after being found drunk, partially nude and semi-conscious with Pamela Anderson in an alleyway of a seedy Edmonton neighborhood…or as Rex calls it, "my usual Thursday." Now things really get weird.

Like a Taiwanese midget orgy or happy hour and open buffet at the airport-adjacent strip club, all good things must come to an end. And so, it is with heavy heart and infected bladder that I announce to you, my faithful readers, that my world tour, for now, has come to an end. Together we lived vicariously through the President of Australia, became an unwilling drug mule in Mexico, violated decency laws in Israel, messed with Ajay Bruno in South Africa, and expanded our horizons in an Iranian gay S&M club in Canada. We met hot supermodels, hotter actresses, and flaming Eskimos. We (ok, I) caught sexually transmitted diseases on four continents! Truly, it's been an adventure…but, and just so we're completely on the same page on this…an adventure that's best kept amongst ourselves and not shared, say, with the authorities. Or my probation officer. Or (and this is really important) my wife.

Yes, Rex Object, international sex symbol and all-around life of the party, is a family man…and like any family man, I seek comfort in porn, Chinese hookers, and heroin-laced weed. No, wait, scratch that. What I meant to say was that, like any family man, I seek comfort in fabricated constructs of false safety and delusional authority. And that, dear friends, is why I'm running for Congress. In Maine. Because, well, why the hell not?

Now this is the part of the sales pitch where I'm supposed to sell you on my qualifications, accomplishments and promises. So let's do that, shall we?


I've more than been around the block; I've been around the friggin' world (both in RL, and, if you've followed my stories, here in eRep.) This isn't my first rodeo, people…but for the record, at my first rodeo I ate the cow, roped the sheep and slept with the cowgirl (or was it "roped the cowgirl" and "slept with the sheep?" It's all kind of fuzzy.) I'm more experienced than your mom, and, let's be completely honest here; she's looser than a used Kia through a sharp turn.


Yeah, yeah, yeah I was a Senator before, but I won't lie to you; I was mediocre at best. Why was I so average? Well, I was a) sober and b) serious. Well, SCREW and THAT. Let's put our schlongs on the table, shall we? The fact of the matter is that people play games like this for fun. Not to win battles, not to amass fortunes, but to have PENGUIN BOWLING FUN! Well, fun is what I've accomplished, and goddammit, as your Congressman, I guaran-goddamm-tee you you'll have fun too. Trust me on this; vote for Rex, and you'll get laid!


Ok, that last part sounded like a promise, and I apologize but…well, I can't promise to get you laid. You may, for example, be underage or (more likely) very, very unattractive. I can't help you with either of these problems. I'm not Jesus, you know (although I have heard His name called out in bed. By me. While alone.) The only thing I can promise you is that I will bring some levity to the testosterone-soaked sausage fest that in Congress, and maybe, just maybe, cure cancer.

So vote for Rex…or do you want to die a virgin and also be responsible for millions of cancer deaths?

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You've followed Rex around the world; why not follow him as he runs (and, more than likely, fails) for a Congressional seat? Subscribe now…or die a virgin!!!