Your choice

Day 1,091, 15:57 Published in Romania Romania by Bogdan_L

Dragi romani, voi fi scurt,

Lasand la o parte titlul, felicitari dragi romani pentru superba victorie in Budapesta! Trupele romane au defilat astazi prin Budapesta in urma unei victorii cu 8-0! Asta chiar va intra in amintiri!

Congrats to everybody fighting and helping for the beautiful victory in Central Hungary! It was something to remember.

Meanwhile Romanian's troupes continued their victorious way through Central Transdanubia, 8-0 as well.

Finally we are at the last stage of this great campaign, all the Hungary's original territories are down but one: Western Transdanubia.

We managed to attack it: )

At the same time Croatia attacked Vojvodina, the big serbian region. eSerbia is defending pretty nice. Now there is a dilemma, what we should choose?

What would you choose? Erasing Hungary and defending Vojvodina or the other way around.

Your choice!

: )

UPDATE: For the hungarian citizens: As soon as this campaign is done, you will receive back some cities besides your capital. We didn't come to keep you oppressed, you'll have your country back in no time.