You Are Being Lied To

Day 1,008, 20:05 Published in USA USA by S3RO

Are you Gullible?
Every few days, especially come election time people start making claims in order to achieve their personal agendas. For example, recall when Aiden Astrup out of the blue made huge claims about national debt which were not brought up until exactly the time of the election. And these claims only first appeared in his campaign article.

Yes, people are trying to manipulate you for their own election purposes, whether it is for the ego of the position, to PTO, or even to make mischief.

These political manipulations have happened in the past, are happening now, and will continue to happen in the future. In this article I will show you how to tell if a person is trying to deceive and manipulate us in eRep, and I'll even use an example of one manipulative trick being used right now in the midst of the August Election Cycle.

Reading Between the Lies
Whenever a person makes a statement in an article it always has a purpose. For this reason, whenever a claim is made one should attempt to understand why the author made that claim.

For example, in my article evaluation below, the author is being manipulative and likely lying in order to achieve his personal goals and objectives.

The author made a claim, but a claim means nothing in itself. The following is a fictitious example I have made up in order to illustrate that point.

I could claim USD in eRep is undervalued. Before we can ask why I made that claim we have to ask what action am I trying to get you to do by making it.

Let's say I state, USD is undervalued so you should purchase all the USD you can afford to. Now ask yourself, does the action the author want you to do make sense with the claim. Indeed it does make some sense. But do you have any reason to believe my claim? NO. You should have no reason to right now because I have provided no facts supporting my claim.

Finally one should be skeptical of claims until you know what the author's motives are in making that claim. What if I have a huge stockpile of USD and you know it. Then I have something to gain by making people believe USD is undervalued. If people start buying up USD the price will go up and I can sell my USD for more gold.

Therefore I say, always be skeptical of claims when sufficient evidence is not provided! Look for the hidden motives!

A Real eRepublik Example
Before continuing to read this newspaper please read the sample article below. I will analyze and break down the article so we can look what is really going on, and not what the author wants you to think is going on.

Click Here For Article

In this article the claim is:

The party S.E.E.S is planning a PTO of the eUSA government.

Now that we know the claim there are three questions to ask.

Question One: Why would the author make that claim?
Question Two: What is the author trying to get us to do?
Question Three: What evidence did the author use to support his or her claim?

Answer One: The Author is attempting to make the Republican Party the largest political party.
Answer Two: The Author is trying to get us to join the Republican Party in order to be a top five party.
Answer Three: The Author contributed no evidence that the S.E.E.S is currently attempting a PTO. We have to take it on faith.

As you can see this article fails to provide legitimate evidence to back up the authors claim. Therefore we have no reason to believe it.

Lets Keep People Honest
eRepublik is a fun community based game with many cool players. There are some great people that honestly care about making the game great. However, unless you know them personally I ask everyone to be skeptical of the claims people are making, especially when they don't provide evidence supporting those claims.

This article is dedicated to all the eRepublik leaders who try and make the game great without succumbing to their own avarice and misleading the community.

Yours Forever Rising,