You've been polarized!

Day 1,617, 11:06 Published in USA Canada by Thomas Arashikage

Ok so.... up until Day 1,616 I was a fine upstanding eUS citizen. I help out where I can. I was elected to Congress and voted on everything. You can see the proof of that here. Who else gets more than 15 votes for a Congressional Announcement? Not many. I've looked. I also volunteered to be an IES agent. Sure my work suffered as I focused on RL the past 2 weeks and I was told I would be removed. Cool.

#1 Anyway.... it all started when I missed my CBO donation day. Truth be told I was probably sleeping.
See, I have a RL job in which I work at night for 12 hours. I commute an hour each way so that's 14 hours. So you might guess I would throw sleep into that time frame right? I knew it was my day. I failed, I'm a big man. I can admit it. I did so in the eUS forums.

#2 Apparently I misread how voting procedures were done on the forums vs. ingame. Apparently I pulled the trigger on our income tax law too soon. One which I will take some credit for since I first mentioned it as a topic of discussion. I would have proposed it but I'm not an economical genius. So the topic stalled until just a few days ago it was brought up again I believe by David Wilson the PP of AMP. Now why do I bring up David Wilson? Wait for it....

So I was being lambasted in the forums for not waiting the full 24 hours hours before moving to propose ingame. Well as you can see I made the right call. I was even exonerated by Rainy Sunday herself.

So that leaves just this. Is this why I'm being singled out and cast aside?


Really? REALLY?

I'm not being endorsed for Congress because of that?

I've always been pro TEDEN since I started playing nearly 2 years ago.

As you can clearly see I tend to fight for TEDEN 1st and foremost.
I have tons of other screen shots if anyone wants to see them.
The admins made an offer I couldn't refuse and I took advantage of the damage booster offer and went medal hunting. I scored 3 BHs and nearly had a CH. Big fleshy deal!

I was never asked for an explanation as to why I did what I did by David Wilson. One of the big tanks from Romania, (I was fighting in Bucovina against Romania) asked me at the time and he didn't seem too threatened.

So in conclusion, I'm a very active player who tried to help out where I can and sometimes I derp along the way. When it comes to fighting I answer to NO ONE!
Never cross me, I hold grudges....

David Wilson said I wasn't Public Enemy #1. That's fine. He's now my #2.

Hot woman....