Yes We Can

Day 851, 18:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Johnobrow

Yes we can. We can listen. We can believe. We can hope and trust. We can buy. We can consume. We can obey and submit. We can build a "fairer society". We can build an "equal society". We can vote. We can spread our democracy. We can kill. We can die. We can invade, bomb and massacre. We can hide the truth. We can live in ignorance. We can ignore, mock and slander. We can stop thinking. We can switch off our minds, stop caring, stop listening. We can support the death penalty. We can become prosperous through free trade. We can Dance, Dance Revolution. We can buy, buy, buy now. We can get two for the price of one. We can invest in the future. We can talk about cutting carbon emissions. We can believe in God. We can stay home. We can plug in, turn on and cop out. We can be slaves to the system, fuel to the machine, fodder to the cannons. We can eat what we are fed. We can buy what we are sold. We can accept what we are offered. And we can believe what we are told.

We can question. We can open our eyes. We can wake up. We can pull the bullet from our heads. We can dissent, resist and revolt. We can think. We can care. We can love. We can trust our neighbour. We can demolish and destroy the walls of lies, greed and hatred. We can stand up. We can demand to be heard. We can scream rage and shout. We can take the power back. We can bring down the house of cards. We can crush the paper tiger. We can put ourselves in the driving seat. We can master the drifting stream of human history. We can become the controllers of our own destinies. We can live, breath and believe. Yes we can! We can fight the power. We can fight against war, death and corruption. We can put an end to exploitation. We can be free. We can know the truth. We can be! Yes we can! We can build, unite and fight. We can rebel. We can put an end to misery, poverty and suffering. We can do whatever we wanna do. We can build a better tomorrow. Yes we can!

No more lies! Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Yes we can!