XCV: It's Called Accountability

Day 1,189, 10:12 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling

Music, please.

I know the military issue has been discussed just about ad nauseum, but there are still certain things that need to be addressed for any progress to be made.

A Few Points on JCS and the Military
The JCS is a political institution as laid out by the Constitution of this country. At any time, as a part of that political institution, congress and many others can change the way it is done.

The military is not a separate branch. It's oversight is congress, and frankly, congress hasn't been doing it's job.

Roughly 70% of all taxes go to the military. But we don't know specifically what it's used for 100% of the time. That means that roughly 70% of our budget is hazy, fuzzy, sorta unknown. Yes, certain things can be found out, but overall, congress, and government at large have allowed the military to run itself.

Recently, Calvary XO Avruch was discharged without notification or any confirmation of why. People have cited that it was due to his involvement with writing the newest military amendment, as his discharge occurred shortly thereafter.

We have, in short, created a gold devouring monster that we blindly trust with our national security while running an organization of draconian proportions.

The simplest solution? Oversight. Congress must take charge of military funding.


People in the military have been freaking out that this will mean some sort of clamp down, that suddenly the military will be some political tool congressmen and Executives use for their own desires.

That's not what this is about.

This is about knowing what the money goes to, knowing that the enormous amount of funds and trust vested in our defense is well-grounded, and knowing that those who participate in that defense are treated justly and fairly.

Because lately, that hasn't happened.

This will only work with cooperation. The military members must realize this is not a cause for alarm or a call for control and domination. The politicians need to realize that this is not the about control or usage of the military, but accountability and responsibility. Once we work through the kinks, then we can get to actually functioning.

But as of now, we have a very volatile situation. And it needs to be resolved.

Stay frosty.