Woxan/Ligtreb: New Decade, New Ideas

Day 770, 17:32 Published in USA USA by Woxan

Candidate: Woxan

Candidate: Ligtreb

America, today I am announcing my candidacy for President of the United States. I have thought long and hard about this; being ePOTUS requires a balance between the ePresidency and real life, but I feel that now is the time. We now find ourselves out of the cage we were once in and taking back regions held by PHOENIX in Asia, building our allies and at the same time dismantling our enemies. We have seen in recent days that our President must be vigilant and on the ball. I believe that we have forgotten some of our better roots. Debating, arguing, and questioning seem to have receded. I believe it is time for us to return to these better roots, and be sure America is on the right course.

I have chosen Ligtreb to be my Vice Presidential candidate. He has an excellent track record with our Congress, is an incredibly trustworthy individual, and has done extensive work with our citizen retention and player base. I can say without a doubt that without ligtreb many Americans would not be here today, he and the rest of the USA Welcoming Committee are one of our strongest assets to this country, and their dedication never wavers. I know I can trust him as one of my closest advisors and his input would be invaluable in any situation.

I have created a platform with no long winded speeches today. These are my goals, straight and simple.

Economic Platform:
1. Work with the United States Congress to allow for more budgeted tax dollars to go towards an "emergency fund", so in the future, the country is not caught off guard as we were in World War III.
2. Assure fiscal responsibility. During the Asian campaign, the country's funds almost went to rock bottom. The United States cannot drain its funds to that dangerous level again, otherwise we'll find ourselves in a situation like we were in the North American invasion: broke and surrounded by enemies. We must watch how we spend our funds, work with Congress to properly budget our money, and appoint a Treasury Secretary with these ideas in mind.
3. Provide for and re-establish the Office of the Budget Coordinator (Federal Auditor), to be chosen by Congress, to oversee all emergency executive fund requests out of the Select Committee on Intelligence and to make sure allocated funds are being used properly and with good intent.

Domestic Platform:
1. Improve the currently in place citizen-outreach programs. By working with the Office of Technology Resources, we can create programs to increase citizen retention rates and create the soldiers of tomorrow. By instructing the Budget Coordinator to research the practicality of reintroducing programs like Meals on Wheels, the Woxan Administration pledges to find the proper mix of new and old to keep our babies involved in the game.
2. Communications with Congress must be improved. The Vice President would be tasked as the Chief Liaison between the Legislative and Executive Branches to assume a customary role as honorary President of the Senate/Congress. In this position, the Vice President would be expected to provide daily briefs for Congress on the activities of the President and the Executive Branch and to relay concerns from Congress to the President for review.
3. Re-establish a Council on Party Relations, to be chaired by the Secretary of the Interior. This Council will attempt to alleviate problems between parties and serve as a neutral mediating body for issues that do arise. When all parties work in cohesion, as has been seen in recent months, the United States is a powerful machine.
4. Turn the White House Press Room (WHPR) into an effective tool again, providing transparency and information to the general public.

Foreign Platform:

1. Continue the fight against Hungary. The heart of their empire is in Heilongjiang (Hellokitty). Removing Hungary from HLJ will cause them to collapse and alleviate pressure on our allies Croatia, Romania, and Poland. Also, work to jettison Hungary from the other Chinese and North Korean regions they recently acquired to secure China and Japan from attack.
2. Continue the campaign in Asia to cripple PHOENIX economically. Indonesia has Grain and Iron in India. Work with India and China to see PHOENIX jettisoned from these regions to cripple them economically and for the benefit of their original owners.
3. Build relations with neutral countries and Sol. Japan and Australia are 2 potential strong allies in the Asian theater and would help balance the power between EDEN and PHOENIX. Attempt an international summit on world affairs with potential allies to discuss issues, alleviate concerns, and reassure those nations of our willingness to help them.
4. As seen with France back in November: Diplomacy works. Instead of burning thousands of gold in an attack, attempt to talk before we attack.

Military Platform:
1. Work with the military to be sure that while our own goals are met, our allies are not left out of the equation.
2. Leave commanding and all military planning to those who do it best, the tacticians. The President's place is one of review and final approval/denial, not one of meticulously planning a military offensive.
3. Continue to research alternative forms of fighting and ways to make the military more self sufficient. By working with Congress, the Woxan Administration would seek to provide more funding for federally-funded military weapons companies to hasten the transition to make our military branches entirely self-sufficient whenever possible.
4. Work with the USA Welcoming Committee and the United States Congress to set up volunteer run companies for Guns 4 Huns. This would alleviate costs on this highly effective program and allow us to use it more when its needed.
5. Encourage the creation of privately funded militias and paramilitary squads to work in conjunction with the United States military.
6. We need to secure a high iron region and find alternative means of funding to not just increase our national profits, but to also supplement the training of our soldiers according to the new module. Only by increasing the strength of our soldiers will we be able to compete with our enemies.

This is my platform America. I implore you to question. Will answer all PMs, and can be found on IRC.