Day 629, 09:04 Published in USA Croatia by Crocky

Hello again my dear readers,

I don't want to retain your attention very much so I will be short.

This war reached so far the greatest intensity and the biggest damage ever taken in eWorld's history.
It also has involved the greatest amount of gold ever spent and I personally will be very happy to see some amounts published by admins.

As we all saw in these 3 weeks, PEACE have planned this war for a very long time and make preparations, but I don't think they still have many resources to keep this forcing for many days. Moreover, a giant as USA is about to wake up and I think that only a great defeat is able to unite and to create such adhesion to your country.

I also want to make an observation and that is the fact that you can not win a war if you are in defensive all the time. You must make a great plan and stick with it until it will work. If it won't, you must adapt it to the realities in the field, but under any circumstances you must not rest and wait for another attack.We are talking here of more than 15 countries involved in defending USA and Canada and the attack version is quite applicable in at least 4 or 5 cases.

Of course, all these attack requires money and if all the fighters will use weapons and won't fight with their bear hands anymore, the weapons industry will face a boom and also the economies in those countries. Let's not forget that most of the countries in the formal Atlantis based their economies on manufacturing , especially in weaponry due to the lack of raw materials regions.
By fighting with weapons, you can reach military ranks faster which ultimately allow you to do more damage. Does anyone know a better way to spend money than on weapons? I personally, don't!

All I am saying here is achievable and might be a solution for this endless war. It actually might work if all presidents or MoD in every country will coordinate each other and phrase same orders for all countries from which all allies to benefit. Orders must be clear and citizens must be aware that must follow them.

As far as I am concern eRepublik is a game that need to be played in accordance with the community you share or belong. Rarely such a game can be played and be fun in the same time, if you do this just by yourself, because you can't win a battle by yourself, you can't gift yourself if you're in trouble and you can't have subscribers if your newspaper is just a tool you use only for your purposes etc. That is why all of us must play together and share same orders, victories, defeats, nice articles, ehistory...... Only this way, WE CAN ENJOY IT!

But the most pleasant moment we can and we will share will be FINAL VICTORY!!

Thank you all for reading,

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