WM: Vote LordJustice on July 25th!

Day 610, 07:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by LordJustice

Citizens of the West Midlands I am running for another term in the House of Commons in the West Midlands witht he UK Reform Party. I continue to be active in the Commons and in eRep generally and I feel that we need active and experienced members now more than ever.

Here is what I have done:

I voted to join PEACE because I felt that the eUK needed strong allies and it needed more war to continue to grow, both in terms of activity and economically. The Hungary TW has given us a number of wars already and more will be forthcoming. We also have the Latvia -Lithuania wars coming up as well. These give our citizens much needed war experience to grow and keep their health up.

I pushed for military changes. I feel that the new Royal Air Force and restructuring of the Royal Guard is just what we need right now to take advantage of the new reality of being in PEACE. I am a member of the RG and I continue to support our military and its growth.

What I want to focus on:

I want to push for more focused training in the military. Right now, the RG still operates somewhat inefficiently. We usually only get 1-2 Q1 weapons each when a war happens. This is inieefient for someone like me with moderately high strength and a Colonel rank. We need to provide incentives to rank up our lower ranked members quickly and use those with higher rank/strength more effectively.

Targeted distribution of weapons and incentives/funding to help people rank up is something I feel the military should do and I will continue to push this in the next term.

The other issue is immigration. With citizenship on the way, the HoC members will have tohe opportunity to individually approve citizenship requests. I want to make sure that there are guidelines in place so that we can minimize the chances of hostile people getting into the UK for a take over. PTOs will be much more difficult but not impossible. We must have some orderly system so that we screen against threats.

I have been a faithful servant and I ask you to give me a further opportunity to continue.

Vote LJ July 25th!