With Brother Like This, Who Needs Enemies ?

Day 1,740, 09:44 Published in South Korea Indonesia by hengeee
A picture is worth a thousand words.

But today i give you more than 1 picture but 5. Enjoy!!!

First, let me give you quiz.

Those picture are slightly different. Could you tell me the difference? The best answer will get 1000 KRW from me.

In a far away land, where peace and wealthy for its citizen. It seems they don't have any worries for anything.

That country love their brother more than peace and safety. That country willing to sacrifice regions, golds, money to save its brother. Such honorable country is rarely in eWorld nowadays.


Thank You Brazil Government for helping CoT against Argentina. We will never forget your help. This month Brazil Government has worked greatly in CoT favor.

Please accept my little gift. It is nothing for you but it shows my sincere thanks for your help.

Betraying old brother for new alliance is hard task, not to mention public resistance from Brazilian. But vigon DID IT. Vigon is an amazing President as USUAL.

After we wipe Argentina, please let Peru free. We don't have to pretend as enemy after we wipe Argentina right?

Hail Brazil Government
Hail Vigon
Hail CoT
Hail Future

Extra :
Reply i got when i asked Argentinian (he is old player) about the reason why Brazil Government didn't help Argentina
[16:34:33] hahaha
[16:34:39] I think is ok
[16:35:28] but brazilian CP dont care about that
[16:36:16] he is more focus on improving their new alliance

Check Mate Argentina!?