Wisconsin, Advancing

Day 668, 23:39 Published in USA USA by 2000max

I am 2000max(http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1680397), intend to run for congress in Wisconsin. Please vote for me in the coming elections. My aide, mlk399(http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1855777), are from the party AAP. We believe in Advancing America, hence the name America’s Advancement Party. Why vote for me? One wor😛 Advancement.

I will push for lower taxes on wages. I will try my hardest to get the taxes lowered so we can get more money in our pockets for future weapons or companies. Advancing the eUSA‘s people.

With the resources coming out the state of Wisconsin is bound to get one. I am guessing they will add milk, corn or some other product that we may have. We will utilize what ever the admins give us. The admins have done a great job already in the game, and they work really hard. I am willing to work that hard too. Advancing eWisconsin.

If you are over level 6 please join TD(http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=cHRRSUFEbFdjSHVYNG4zN2t2S0phTHc6MA..). Right now recruitment is turned off as they are trying to catch up with the already thousand of applicants. So once it is turned back on please do go to it and register. Advancing the Military.

Please recruit all your friends to join. We need more players to make eUSA grow and prosper. You have 2000 invites, this is a lot, send them all the time. Ask them in real life if they got it and if they are interested. If they are or are not explain how fun and yet easy this game is. Advancing eUSA.

I invite you to send me a PM with any questions you may have, and promise a response to all I receive. You can also reach me at my organization Two Thousand Products(http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1870157).

Remember you can only vote if you are over level 6, or if you bought it. With this in mind I would like to ask for every active member in the state of Wisconsin please vote for me. I promise Advancement!

P.S. Sorry for no links for some reason my computer doesnt like the link button on erepublik.

Thank you.
First time runner