Why USA support Germany ? USA destroys ATLANTIS !

Day 547, 17:18 Published in USA Poland by Uner

When the alomost all old ATLANTIS support attack on Germany ?
USA are breaking Atlantis on half.
You know reasons of this attack ?
I am pretty sure most of USA people have no idea why they attack.

From my point USA is a traitor not Sweden
You are supporting trail member of ATLANTIS for every price even for price of ALL ATLANTIS !!

USA is only Big point on map , You dont do anything , sleeping queen ?

In the worst time of Atlantis , USA stick knife in backs of all Atlantis

It is JOKE or what?

The President of Spain demanded a sum of 0 Gold from your National Treasury in return to a peace treaty with Poland.

The President of Spain offered a sum of 0 Gold to your National Treasury in return to a peace treaty with Sweden.
