Why the Party System is a Sham

Day 1,931, 22:42 Published in USA USA by Builder92

eAmerica, take a minute out of your warring and consumption and focus on one thing -- your cash. In a sense, it represents the effort and time you have placed in this virtual reality. Now, ask yourself, how would like to spend it. Before you reach a decision, stop yourself and give your wallet to someone you "think" knows whats best for you.

That is what is wrong with politics.

They don't know you. They can pretend to. They may even be close. But don't fool yourselves, they are simply guessing -- if that. Only you know what you want and need. Only your neighbor knows what they want and need. Talk to each other. Decide for yourselves how you want to spend YOUR money. But do not -- and i mean DO NOT -- allow someone to make that decision for you. The elections should not be about who should manage your money. They should be about how you WANT to spend your money.

Whether it be wars, food, running business, etc., make the effort to be present at the decision table. Direct democracy is THE best vehicle for change -- but it only works if you are there. So enough with this charade of party officials. They are a waste of money and time. Stand together, eAmerica. Stand free.