Why PEACE will fall with 100% guaruntee, and why YOU have nothing to fear.

Day 628, 10:18 Published in Romania Canada by AugustusV
By: Octavian_F, Chief Editor of eWorld Economy Magazine.

This article has been posted simultaneously in 8 different countries: Canada, USA, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Russia, and the UK.

eWorld Economy Magazine has been lacking articles for some months now so please excuse me if my writing abilities are a bit rusty.

Now lets begin with an official-looking newspaper article title:

Why PEACE will fall with 100% guaruntee, and why YOU have nothing to fear.

First off, lets start with the basics, PEACE is trying to achieve the impossible. Why? Well the boys at the GC may say they have a super-cool-awesome-strong-cannot-be-defe ated military, but as Jim Carrey once sai😛 "I don't know where you get you sthtatithtics".

Well, "sthtatithtically" speaking of course, in RL, the USA alone has way more RL citizens than all of those PEACE bastards combined. Let alone if we also include the other former Atlantis countries as well. Plus, lets not be rude here, but realisitcally speaking, the RL Atlantis countries are also, one could say, much better off "financially", and thus, again not to be rude, are at greater leisure to play this game. And eventually, this major RL advantage will take its toll on PEACE and its allies.

So from a "what will happen in the future" perspective, I belive its 1 point for Atlantis and 0 for the boys and girls over at the GC. (instead of bothering myself with "Fortis" and "Eden", I prefer Atlantis better, but what I really mean is "Fortis" and "Eden" or w.e.).

However, it is indeed VERY possible that PEACE will eventually conquer us all.


"Therortically" speaking of course, even IF PEACE does conquers us all, how do they suppose they'll keep us all under control as well? Who is to say we wont revolt? I mean sure you can destroy our nations, break our defense systems, and blow up our hospitals, but you cant touch our forums, and organized military forces, and especially not our resolve. Sure we may come across funds a little harder now, but sooner or later, we will use our companies to stockpile Q5 weapons and let all hell loose in every province they conquered. But lets not get carried away here, Q5 weapons or not, we will still let all hell loose in our conquered provinces, thats a promise.

-Being able to control conquered nations: again 1 for Atlantis, and 0 for PEACE.

And speaking of resolve, I must thank PEACE GC, for officially making themselves look like the evil hypocrite "bad guys", while making the rest of us look like bloody heroes. No really think about it, as I remember an excellent article written on the subject, PEACE GC technically does not even exist anymore. They violated their own treaty by attacking a neutral nation, and conducting imperialistic wars instead of "protecting" the little guy. They've made themselves look like evil imperialists who attack friendly neutral nations in the conquest of more wealth and power. And they've made us look like brave heroes who fight against the odds to protect freedom and democracy, etc, etc, etc. If that doesn't work to strength people's resolve then I don't know what will.

I'm sorry to let down the cocky PEACE officials who boast about their latest victories, but from a psychological perspective, they're setting themselves up for disaster. The "we're the good guys who defend you from those evil imperialistic bastards" slogan was what made PEACE GC. They've used that very idea to promote Atlantis as evil, while making themselves look like heroes. And for a while, it did bring them popularity, but whatever popularity they once had, is all lost now.

Atlantis never pledged to protect the little guy. It never pledged not to engage in imperialistic wars and to refrain from attacking neutral nations. PEACE DID promise those things, and I don't know about you, but in my oppinion, a lying hypocrite bastard is much worse than an honest conquistador.

So from this point of view, again its another point for Atlantis, and 0 for the boys and girls over at the GC.

Its 3 to 0 already, and its already going to be quite hard for PEACE to catch up, but its gonna get just a little a bit harder, because I'm not quite done yet.

Now lets assume that none of what I have just said makes any real changes, and PEACE continues to hold its tight grip on our nations. Well then as the saying goes: "if you can't beat em, join em". Except ironically, by joining them we ARE beating them, and I'll show you how.

Do you remember how Atlantis fell? No it wasn't because PEACE was getting stronger, it was because of internal conflict.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

Once PEACE conquers the whole bloody world (hopefully they will do it faster if we tactfully assist them in their conquest), what do you reckon will happen next? Do you think people will settle in for the most boring game of the century where all is peaceful, and all we do is conduct training wars n' trade?

No, I'd rather believe total chaos will break out, as PEACE will start to bicker between themselves and conflicts arise.

Hungary is a rather small nation, and so is Indonesia. All alone, those two nations aren't much, its the conquered regions that make them strong and wealthy, and give them more fighters and citizens. I figure Russia, and the rest of em puppet nations will want their regions back sooner or later, and with the old "Atlantis enemies" defeated and conquered, eyes will shift towards Hungary and Indonesia. And I'm not too sure those two nations will want to step off their throne of power quite so easily, so what will eventually happen next is that the world will split up again, and new alliances will be formed, PEACE, like Atlantis, will break up, and cease to exist.

And with the internal conflicts of PEACE goin on, Atlantis countries can again begin a massive operation to liberate their regions. With PEACE warped in internal wars and conflict (And probably ceasing to exist as a result), they will not be able to organize a very successful counter attack (if they manage to organize anything at all for that matter), and we will be able to free our nations with relative ease.

So you see, PEACE's victory will indeed ironically also spell out its own defeat. Its inevitable, this game wasn't designed for total PEACE (sounds funny doesn't it?), and RL people playing this game will get bored sooner or later, and will probably want to start wars just for the hell of it. Either that or the puppets will overthrow and disobey their masters. Either one works for us.

I don't think we even need points anymore to prove that PEACE WILL fall sooner or later, and that the faster they win, they faster they will fall. Either we beat them by fighting back, or wait patiently and let them beat themselves. Their greed for power and more territory has begun their (hopefully short) journey to their eventual downfall.

But I will give them at least one point, if not for making us look like such dam heroes, then for making themselves look like such bloody fools, and giving us all a good laugh at their endless hypocrisy.

So what I have to say to the boys and girls over at the CG is: savor this victory gents, because it'll probably be your last.

And to the rest of you: Stay strong and keep on fightin fellas, our time will soon come. 😉

Thanks for reading.

P.S. I don't quite remember the name we all gave the new "PEACE GC", after we proved how it broke its own treaty by attacking Canada. But it was something funny, starting with an "E" I think, but anyway I'll donate 10 of my now worthless CAD to the first person who manages to remember, and write down the new PEACE GC name I'm looking for down below in the comments section. And extra kudos for you if you also manage to link me the article that first wrote it.