Why our President is wrong, so terribly wrong..

Day 449, 15:05 Published in USA USA by SebastianA

Ok – I know, Uncle Sam is out president, and also ranked as eUS #1, big deal. As we all recover from the nearly god sent deceleration of genius, lets look at why Uncle Sam, or Mr. Preseident is horribly wrong.

First of all, Sammy states that high taxes stimulates the economy. Ok.. If Sam ignores that there is a market, and the fact that people pay taxes whenever they work – sure taxes stimulate the market, however since we have a private market in erep which bases itself on that people spend and make money, this statement becomes a bit wobbly.

High taxes means that the government receives more money – or in other terms that the government has control of more money as the amount of cash in the treasury is larger. The amount of money in the treasury means less money amongst the public – which is us. Now, when the we have less money, we spend less money, that is the instinctive reaction from human psychology so there is no reason to argument against that.

When the public spends less money it doenst matter really hoe much the tax is as the public will keep all of their reserves to themselves buying Q3 food instead of Q4 food etc. This means less income to the government. Less income to the government means more taxes to make up for this. You get the point...

This is NOT a way to “stimulate” (which you, so fancily abuse) the economy, Uncle Sam – it is a way to devastate the economy.

Yes, I realize the treasury is gone and I understand that you as President is very eager to restore it, however that is not a problem for the market. It is a problem for you, mr. President.

A treasury of several 10-thousands of dollars cannot be restored over night, neither over a week, or even a month which you hope because you want to be re-elected. A treasury is acquired over time, and increases as it ages, as a man gaining experience as he ages and it takes patience.

The treasury can only be restored if you decrease the taxes, and slightly increase the VAT. This will increase the public's spending substantially, it will increase the governments income (because of the massive public spending) and THIS will stimulate the economy, my Uncle Sam.

And before you start accusing me for mixing in RL economics in this, I wish to say that this is not RL economics, it is human behaviour, and therefore the behaviour of the general public which applies both in erep and in rl. To bad you are not brave enough to take the step.