Why I Will RETAIN My Nomination for CP

Day 1,079, 19:22 Published in Canada Canada by Kilgore Trout 89
As many of you know, I'm in an awkward position with my party right now where I am being forced to balance the best interests of the country, the best interests of my party and pressure from a wealthy individual who has not only stolen money from the government, but is using it to buy political support. I am making it clear here and now that I will not be supporting the CP candidate that a financially motivated vote within my party selected. I will also not be supporting the CP candidate that the active members of my party who have spent the last two months ON THE FORUMS, WORKING and CONTRIBUTING to making the party better. One half of my party wants to support Fox Blutch and the other wants to support Rolo (who I believe to be a criminal). I will be keeping the nomination for myself because I realistically have no chance to win and it will damage the reputation of the party at the least risk and will prevent a known criminal (allegedly) from gaining access to the Presidency. This is my personal decision, there is not a single member of my party who was aware of this decision, nor do any of them support me in this choice. I have chosen to gone rogue in order to keep this country safe while helping my party stay together. Because my actions will betray every single member of my party, I know that I must leave the party at the end of my PP term. The following is a copy of a private message that I sent to Alastar regarding this decision. I hope this helps some of you understand the reasoning behind my actions.

I think we all realize the unfortunate situation I'm in right now. If I put support behind a legit candidate, I have to put up with shit from Rolo and his paid supporters. If I put support behind Rolo, I have to put up with shit from everybody else who will see me as the guy who willingly let a known criminal run. Either way I lose and either way I get attacked and shamed. So, I figure if I'm going to piss someone off, I may as well piss off the person who's put me in this situation to begin with.

To be honest with you, I haven't even counted the votes. I've known since before I ran for PP last month that this was going to be my last. I knew when I agreed to this vote that I wasn't going to listen to the results anyways. I never intended to put Rolo forward for CP and I never intended to put anybody who's been supporting him forward either. It's actually not a personal vendetta, it's just that putting someone like that in charge of the country is just a terribly bad idea and if a single thing goes wrong, not only would it come back to me, but I wouldn't even have anything to show for it. Remember, Rolo has not given me a single reason to work with him even when I tried to find some common ground with him. I have no reason to let anyone from his inner circle have a nomination and doing so would be terrible for the NCEP anyways.

Realistically, we both know that the support of the active people within the party is behind Fox as evidenced by the vote on the forum. We both also know that the majority of the people who are supporting you or Rolo are being paid off for their support and that distorts the legitimate support. In any case, both you AND Joe have asked me to change the nomination and I'll be ignoring both of you and keeping it for myself. This way, neither side gains, both sides lose equally and instead of the party taking a hit, I get to keep up my habit of taking all the blame for s***y situations formed by other people.

This is my personal decision and that it has nothing to do with the party. It's also clear that there will be no way for me to stay in the party after this. I'll have one have of the party that will be violently demanding my resignation as an incompetent a**, and I'll have another half of the party that I won't be able to work with without feeling like I've betrayed them. I hope there are no hard feelings. I think this is the best course of action and I hope you can understand why I'm making this choice. It's nothing personal, it's just politics.

There's no way an NCEP candidate is going to win anyways so if someone is going to lose, it may as well be me. I've already lost my party, my congress seat and a lot of my friends so I may as well lose a CP election too.
