Why I should Be A Congressman

Day 1,672, 10:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grauniad

Cynics and pessimists would call what I have a lack of experience, even naivety. They would say I'm not cut out for this. They would say: don't bother.

But I don't call it that, and I don't say those things. I call it enthusiasm and a means to a fresh start. If you're tired of the same old, long time citizen congress people, then vote for me. If you want someone who is dedicated, accessible, hard-working, determined and the best you can get for congress, then vote for me.

If you want a better, fresher UK, then vote for me.

Thank you.

My Policies:
By biggest policy is simple: listen to you. If anyone has an issue, idea, or concern, then I will aim to fight for your cause. I will become a congressman not for myself, but for yourselves.

That said, I'm not devoid of ideas. I would suggest a lowering in income tax and VAT to make work and trade more profitable, and would reach out to expand the ESO membership.

I will also seek to be fully accountable. Should I not live up to expectations, or be slack or lazy, then I will happily resign if enough people petition me.

Likewise, I will be a loyal, but not indoctrinated, member of the party machine.

I think we should use war primarily as a way of protecting our allies abroad, with occasional forays to expand our own territory.

Following on from this, I also agree with the Irish Peace Deal and would strive to ensure that it remains in place, as I feel it is mutually beneficial.