Why I do love Eugene Harlot and Gaius Julius - an apology to US

Day 941, 17:06 Published in USA USA by Ariakis

Hello fellow eAmericans!

I would like to apologize eUS nation for my unfortunate comment in your DoD orders that did troll your CJCS.

As far as I remember EDEN HQ cannot order USA anything, since US are not a member of EDEN. US are EDEN's ally and all we can do is to help us. If we need help we are >>asking<< for it and decision is up to Choc, like it was also up to HR last month.

And we asked to prepare your mobile troops for DC and asked to send those who can't fight at DC to Rhone Alps. Afair we didn't ask to set any priority orders for US civilians.

So really, as a president of Poland I ask you in public to stop this bs Mr CJSC 'Let's start RW in SH-H instead of going to RA' NXNW, because at this moment you are simply telling about something that did not happen.

Herby NXNW I am sorry. I've should spoken either to you or Choc about this matter before going public. Emotions took over the reason during the heat of battles in Spain. I promise that next time I'll speak with you or your president, if any miscommunication problem arise.

I really do hope that this unpleasant situation will not damage relations between our countries, especially that bonds between ePoland and eUSA were forged since 'Restoring America' operations during III World War. And since then we had the great opportunities to fight among many brave American soldiers, as well as working with great people like mentioned Eugene Harlot or during last month (and also in the past) Gaius Julius who are truly the essence of US - great leaders and soldiers, knowing game mechanics, going straight to the point or not bragging about individual actions and able to avoid pointless battles. I'm proud that I have opportunity to play at the same side as they.

So once again NXNW: I apologize eUnited States: I'm sorry and I do hope that this single incident won't harm relations between whole countries and won't destroy the work of many great people. Despite the differences between both of us, and my personal feelings about you, I value efforts of US soldiers who are fighting Phoenix with us.

Ariakis - president of ePoland