Why I'm in the Black Mambas

Day 2,002, 09:25 Published in South Africa Bolivia by atrawall

Why Am I in the Black Mambas?
It's Easy

I joined Black Mambas to get to know our fellow Macedonian countrymen more. Many of them had reached out to me at various points and I decided to give it a shot.

Do I trust them 100%? No, but as I work with them, I'm definitely gaining some trust, which was another goal of mine.

So I've joined and befriended a few, but let me tell you why I've staye😛

1) Tanks.
I've always been in the "Least Effort" Military Unit throughout my eLife.
When I first came here, Red Army had a weekly drop, whether I requested it or not. As a 2-clicker, I loved that. When I joined PUR, Veschy would give us 10 Tanks daily for completing 25 Kills. I joined them because I liked this.

2) I never have to ask for weapons.
The Black Mambas have an easy fighting system. You kill 25, the next day you are rewarded 10 tanks. No Forms, no requesting and no commune.

3) I am still (Pretend) helping eSAAF
I'm not blaming current eSAAF leadership because I understand there are a lot of changes underway, but I'm currently working in the eSAAF commune. When I went to Black Mambas I expressed that I would gladly continue working for Crumoet if the tanks that I'm not receiving could be distributed to others. I know Krimpie said something similar, and I'm sure others work in the commune but don't get the drop, yet the drop is still 7 tanks daily.
I'm sure my services can help elsewhere if this isn't remedied.

So that is why I've remained in the Black Mambas?
-Active leadership that rewards those who fight.
NOT: Fighters begging for more tanks to fight.

They want to be the top MU and reward EVERYONE who wants to help. I strongly encourage everyone to join the Black Mambas!

And may we now take a moment of silence for the Black Mamba himself.