Why Do I Run?

Day 674, 00:01 Published in USA USA by Nohari Starr

In case you don't know me, and why should you, I'm Nohari Starr and I'm running for Congress!
That you haven't heard of me isn't a problem. I'm introducing myself to you now. But what about others who have hung in, been good citizens, and have climbed up in level, only to feel that their individual efforts don't really contribute to the eUS as a whole? At what point do their voices go from quiet to silent? I don't feel that we can afford to let that happen.

Our challenge is to develop each and every citizen so that they can achieve their personal in-game goals, and as a consequence, help the eUS achieve our broader goals. I've outlined my platform, available HERE --> http://docs.google.com/View?id=dhkwfk2t_1mb5zkmhd
but what it all comes down to is: Securing our borders, developing our economy, and developing our citizens.

My promise is that, if elected, I will post a weekly summary of my activities in my paper, The Starr Report . I will also answer any and all questions about the state of the state, national security concerns notwithstanding. And lastly, I will represent you in a manner befitting your confidence in me.

So, having said that: If I do not earn your vote in this election, I do encourage you to vote for the candidate of your choice. Last election, the eUS was teetering at the brink, but that doesn't make this election any less important. In fact, this election may be more important, as we have a chance to apply the lessons learned from a hard, and ongoing war.


Starr for Security. Starr for the Economy. Starr for Congress