Why Australia will WIN (and why Indonesia is so dumb)

Day 968, 15:48 Published in Australia Croatia by CrowdedHouse
For every action, there is a reaction

Good Morning eAustralia.

This morning on the train to work I read an article by Comrade Bender talking about "History Repeating" - and in the broader context he's right.

Current at the moment we are in a State of War with Indonesia. This war is more than just what happens on the battlefield. It's PTOs, Multies, Propaganda, etc...

One lesson we all must learn from War is you cannot win every battle... in some cases it's wiser to retreat, to allow the saving of resources for the bigger picture.

War is a game of chess. We each make our moves and sacrifices.

Australia is in a situation at the moment where the Indonesian Queen is moving in for the kill.

We have to allow Indonesia to take a number of our pieces and just hope by their aggressive move forward, their King will be exposed for an attack.

It's seems the Angel Demon Project has seen all their big players rush forward... if our knight (Hello, Sir_c0nstant) can sneak past that front line, it will be just the pawns left to defend the Indonesian King.

Like a good AFL Premiership side, you need a solid defence to take home the big prize.

Sadly for Indonesia and it's elite players they have not learned from history.

It's been Indonesia itself that's been creating it's own headaches. As the war module was first brought into play into V1, Australia was a neutral country.

Indonesia could have been smart, they could have approached the Aussies are asked for regular war games... unfortunately like the Indonesians now, they got greedy.

As soon as the war module was active they took Australia.

They had a second chance at peace though. When giving back the land to the Aussies, they could have done it quickly and still asked about war games, to keep the region friendly.

The Indonesians took 18 months to hand back most of the land.

I laugh when Indonesians get angry that Australia (with EDEN) took back Western Australia by force - what do you expect, you kept delaying on the deal.

Then Australia joins EDEN. What else would you expect. As a country we had been bullied, and we had enough of it. As shown above, you had a chance to be friends with us, but you spat in our eye so many times.

Indonesia funds Brazil to invade Australia... and Brazil gets booted out a week later.

Indonesia tricks Australia with a peace deal and gets Western Australia due to a bug. Western Australia is then taken back 2 weeks later - again, what else do you expect.

So here we are now in a PTO situation. Under dubious circumstances Indonesia has indirect control of Australia.

You get angry when Australia complain to admin and threaten to create their own 'sheep' - again what do you expect.

Indonesians... please... just for a moment... use your brain. See how you have triggered everything off?

See have everything you do doesn't last for ever (simply because the management of your own country is so poor).

Your up against Australians. We've been under your occupation before and come back. That real life Australian Steele of fighting like mad when your back is against the wall will come through.

This is time we are not going to stop at just getting our country back... we plain to help the Flaming Galahs, the Australian Government In Exile and EDEN to take your land.

We've had enough... simply you cannot win. Ask yourself this, when Indonesia gets taken over, what will you do? I bet 99% of Indonesians will give up... you just don't have that fighting Aussie spirit.

Re-Elected ERA Party President