WHPR 1802 - Unity in More Than Name

Day 1,802, 01:59 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
White House Press Room - Day 1802: Unity in More Than Name

New figure takes the stage as Secretary of Media

Dateline: Friday, October 24, 2012 (Day 1802)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Today’s WHPR:
Music: Flight of the Conchords: The Most Beautiful Girl [In the Room]
1: Congressional Analysis
2: Unity Elections
3: Super Soldiers vs Special Snowflakes
4: War Map & Analysis
5: Op-E😛 Unity in More Than Name
eNPR: Show Schedule and Links

Editor's Notes: Today's WHPR is a full Media Team effort with NewAzazel playing Lead Editor for this edition.

Congressional Analysis
Press Corp Staff Writer DokJon

Still standing strong.

The vote battle is finally over. American citizens have chosen their parties. Despite all the ATO shouts and articles, the enemy AFA brings in more members into the Congress than any other party. Congress will be comprised of approximately 30.6% AFA, 26.4% AMP, 15.2% USWP, 14.6% FED, and 13.2% WTP. 18, 16, 9, 9, and 8 members respectively. AMP seems to have solidified their dominance over the long-rival USWP, and WTP barely made it into Congress by bumping iNCi out of Top 5 at last minute.

The election was a nail-biter, since AFA initially pulled in more than 35% of votes and kept up the pace for a while. It would have definitely not been good if they ended up winning that many seats. This would have definitely hindered our nation's functionality.

Law proposals are voted on by Congressmen, and each of them require certain numbers of approvals in order to pass. Had AFA won more than 50% of seats in Congress, the legislative branch of American government would've failed to function at all, since AFA Congressmen would successfully block every proposal, let alone making their own rogue proposals. They would have also been able to prevent the impeachment of a president had they gained 33% of the seats, which could be a threat this time around.

The PTO group AFA keeps getting only bigger at the moment. Our fight against them will be even harder in the future, but true American citizens will stand together and overcome the enemies in the end.

Unity Elections

In the coming presidential election, the eUS will again be using a unity election system. Let me explain how this is going to work. Parties will conduct their primaries as usual. It is also recommended that candidates make their announcements before the 29th. We suggest that 6th parties make arrangements with a larger party of their choosing to participate in their primary in order to ensure that more voices are heard and that smaller parties are included in the process.

Following this, candidates will be on eNPR on Tuesday the 30th at 18:00 erep time. This will allow players to hear policy positions and views of each candidate in order to make a better choice. In the event of a tie, a run off primary will take place via the eUSA forums, in which case all citizens are encouraged to make accounts on eusaforums.com. The process of conducting unity elections is not perfect, but we believe this is the best system available to give as many citizens as possible a voice in the process and avoid as much fraud as possible. Thank you for your cooperation and all of your input this month to ensure the meta aspects of our elections are fair and democratic.

Super Soldiers vs Special Snowflakes

Play Your Favorite Radio Quiz at Home!

Due to technical and logistical difficulties, the Quiz Show has been postponed. A new host will welcome the first two teams, the AMP and the Feds, to the premier Super Soldiers vs Special Snowflakes show next Thursday night at 1700hrs (8pm East, 5pm West).

Date: Thursday Nov 1st
Time: 1700hrs; 8pm Eastern Time
Topics: Mix of RL questions and eRep questions
Format: A question will be asked to each side in turn. The Party will have 30 seconds to respond. Presumably the Parties' members will be gathered on their respective IRC channels, but the official answer must come on eNPR from the designated person.
The end of the night will feature a lightning round, where each Party can jump in and answer.

Readers are asked to compose questions that may be asked of the individual Parties as well as to all Parties in the "lightning round."
Please think about what questions you'd like asked and make notes.
You'll have to also submit the answer to your question and the source, so put away your tin foil hats and put on your thinking caps-- the Form will only be Live for a couple of days, so make it good!

Submit your Question and Answer here!

War Map & Analysis
Press Corps Staff Writer Hale26

As many of you know, We. Have. Lost.
America was facing a 3 NE battle in this war, just 1 NE short of 4. (The same amount that took out over 80% of Croatia's Central European territory in one day a few months back.)
No sugar-coating it- The odds were against us, and The FellowShip played their cards well. All NE battles were while most Americans were AFK and all of our allies were busy at the time (including EDEN.)
Review of what lead us up to this point..

1. Hungary kept us off their land VIA Austria NEing Hungary so that the Huns could get into Austria. Therefore meeting us half way into Austria, and providing the Huns with a buffer region.
2. Slovakia withdrew from Austria to presumably give Austria a congress and give Hungary and America fewer regions to attack. Basically, you cannot change your NE till 7 days are up or you run out of enemy to attack. Since 2 Austrian regions are gone, America and Hungary both had less Austria to attack. Now I'm not gonna go into the times or anything, but I'm guessing this was to Hungary's advantage
3.Hungary NE'd us thanks to a rogue AFA proposal. We could've NE'd them had it not been for this proposal.
4. FYROM NE'd France to regain their border with America. With us being faced with 2 1-billion damage daily hitters, something had to give.
5. Slovenia NE'd us...just cause a 3 front war is better then a 2 front one.

But rest assured America, we have a plan. It works in 4 phases, and is open to the public. Here it is:

1. We surrender Piedmont. This will cut off Aosta valley from the Slovenian advance on us, and since Slovenia will have more America to fight we will be safe in Aosta for awhile. Though Slovenia can NE Piedmont, keeping a base in Aosta is just a piece of the plan. Not the end game.

2. We forget Hungary, Austria, our holdings in Switzerland..etc. All of it. That is a diversion right now. And plus, we have lost that war. There is no getting it back. (At least in the present)

3.We stall for time in Provence Alpes Azur. We are currently trying to drag out the battle for as long as possible (while assuring that America wins). This gives us more time to prepare for step 4, and we might just be able to fight here depending on when FYROM attacks.

4. Retreat back to Amurica. After FYROM defeats us in Provence, they will NE France to get their bonuses (Presumably.) We are assuming that France will get wiped, FYROM will get a border with us, and we will NE them restarting our whole crusade against FYROM.
(More will be explained later.)

P.S- Thanks to Vanek26 who expertly explained all this.

Op-E😛 Unity in More Than Name
Op-Ed by Editor NewAzazel

What holds us together makes us stronger.

I know you’re thinking right now that this administration likes to use the word unity a lot. AFA also likes to disparage this word quite a bit in their arguments against the administration. Listen to AFA, and you’ll think unity is a buzz word used to highlight some fake sense of coordination and coalition between the Top Parties to ensure the “elite” stays in power yet another term. Listen to older players and government officials and unity is the key to survival, the continuation of proper governance, and the survival of our nation.

But unity isn’t just a word, or a strategy, or rhetoric.
Unity is a concept that goes far beyond application in elections. Unity is what makes our Parties work together towards helping new players and advancing the next generation of this nation. Unity is what makes our parties work together in deciding the future leadership of this country. Unity is what makes all our various military units fight for the same nation and the same cause. Unity is what binds interactions between players in the meta-game, the fact that everyone knows they have a place and people to interact with. Yes, as a nation we love playing politics, and we love to fight, and we love to write and debate everything. Unity is what still makes each of us at our core an eAmerican. You can’t ship in unity from the outside. Unity is built and earned.

Regardless of what you think about this administration, it is not a closed door operation. Newer players are actively encouraged to be a part of the process, whether that is with the administration itself through the ambassadorship program and media team, or with your individual parties working on party activity and party structure. A month ago, I wouldn’t have thought I’d be editing the WHPR. Newer players are continually welcome, and we don’t have to throw out older and more experienced players to do so.

So when I hear arguments that the current administration is actively out to hurt our nation and destroy our prosperity, I am convinced these people must be playing an entirely different game. It may also be the case that they are just interested in gaining for themselves at the expense of others. If you look around you and don't notice the world falling apart, it's because the world isn't.

New eNPR Schedule:
eNPR Oval Office Radio airs live every Tuesday and Friday night, at 18:00 eRep (9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific). Tune in to the radio show, join the text chat at #eNPR (on the Rizon server), and call in!

Tuesday's Show:
eNPR presents Fireside Chats with President Arundel
President Pfeiffer Arundel updates you on new affairs, and is joined by fingerguns, Dr Luis Sentieiro, and others. Gain some information and some light humor.

Today's Show:
eNPR presents Fireside Chats with President Arundel
Join President Arundel for his twice weekly fireside chats. Vice President fingerguns will be a regular addition to the show, and as always we will take live calls from the public.

If you miss any live radio show, you can listen at your leisure, at eNPR Oval Office Radio.

Recommended Reading:

The Killah Times by John Killah: [JK] Do you really know what patriotism is?

The Enemy’s Gate is Down by Julian Bean Delphiki: A New Player’s Perspective

Carpal Tunnel Weekly by e5anderm: Carpal Tunnel Weekly - Who are the Elite?

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Join a Military or Militia: 😉
eRebuglik now breaks links to Google Docs. If your link is broken, please contact this Org with a TinyURL or similar shortcut.
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NewAzazel, WHPR Editor
“It is not enough to understand, or to see clearly. The future will be shaped in the arena of human activity, by those willing to commit their minds and their bodies to the task.” - Robert Kennedy

Look for new editions of WHPR on Monday and Wednesday.

::: Shout It! :::

WHPR 1802 - Unity in More Than Name
The Fight Continues on

