Who will be the next congressman of the Utah? How about a zombie?!

Day 1,338, 17:45 Published in USA USA by Daniel Roman4

Hell yea! I`m back and I`m ready to become the next congressman of the Utah! I am 100% sure that I will be the next conressman of Utah! Why? 2 things first is quite simple becouse you will support me and second becouse I have a motto wich sounds like that: If you elect me the only thing that ONE will be hearing is TANANA U Can`t TOUCH THIS!

Now you might ask yourself who I am? why should you support me? Let me tell you few things about me and about what I`m going to do as a congressman.

The first thing you should know about me is that I`m an active player of the eWorld and by that I want to say that I will have the time to work for improving USA. A thing about me is that I am the Director of the ZH the most awesome MM group in the eWorld! And being a member of the horde was the best part of the game for me. Another thing about me is that I was the PXO of the 1st platoon and damn those were some times of yelling and working to get people active but I think it worked since so many of the members of the 1st platoon got in SF and/or became officers. After that I became the PCO of the fridge called the 4th platoon and I had lots of fun with those guys (even if some of them tried to make a salad out of me few times). But since I don`t want to scare you with all that military stuff I want to tell you that I`m not organizing things with a gun near your head if you don`t trust me ask the guys wich worked for me and my coEditor Josh Whithead during the time I was organizing USWP Writers Guild.

Now lets get serious! This is the part you actually care about. What are my goals if when I become the congressman of Utah. Well the first thing in my program is trying to get the gold prices lower, I know it will be hard but I WILL TRY! Now on a military plan I will support our beloved AF wich fight for USA and our friends day and night! I will also support militas since they are an important part of the USA power but I will try to get as many new players in the AF. Now the biggest goal I have in mind is to increase the activity! More active players, more power for the USA.

I hope you liked the article and that you will vote for me in Utah on the elections day.
Peace Out!