Who Cares About eAustralia? eIndonesia Cares!

Day 1,118, 23:49 Published in Australia Australia by Dartreal
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It is great to see eAustralia is united. It is great to see that the eAustralian community are standing side-by-side together. It is good to see that despite of the eIndonesian Overlords iron grip on the country, eAustralians are not going to turn on one another and instead work together.

...Is it wrong to dream of such things?

eAustralia tears itself apart despite being under foreign control! No one respects one another! No one wants to work together! They all bicker and fight and argue! How can they expect to win the country back if they are always fighting?

That is why I say: accept our eIndonesian Overlords! They have shown more concern for eAustralians than what eAustralians have shown! They are the ones who really care for the country! They deserve to have eAustralia because they care about eAustralia!

May eIndonesia always look after eAustralia and take care of it!