Which Is Best For You? (V2 products) - Part 1

Day 967, 11:12 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00


Part 1 Will Have: Food, Moving Tickets, and Houses

Part 2 Will Have: Defense Systems and Hospitals

Part 3 Will Have: Tanks, Air Units, Rifles, and Artillery

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Hello eCanada,

With eRepublik Rising upon us now, we as citizens have needed to put a deeper and greater strategy into the game; not only in the military module, but also in the Economic module (mainly pertaining to buying products off the marketplace). Therefore, this article is going to cover off some of the high's and lows of each type of product, with it's varied elements (i.e. what you should use higher wellness bread for, over higher happiness bread for). If this article is not enough, feel free to drop me a line, and I will be more than happy to further explain something to you! 🙂

PLEASE REMEMBER: This article is only going to go over FOOD, MOVING TICKETS, and HOUSES


There are three types of food you can buy. You can buy food that has higher wellness, compared to happiness; you can buy food that has higher happiness than wellness; you can buy food that is equal in both happiness and wellness. We will go over all three types!


1) Wellness Over Happiness
"The Vitamin Drink"

The "vitamin Drink" is a food type, where Wellness is overused compared to happiness (for example, a company that has 30 Points (Q1) would use 20 of them for wellness (2 Wellness a day) and the remaining 10 for happiness (1 happiness a day) for their products). This is the most common type of food on the market, but should be used in moderation, since in the end, it is HAPPINESS that everyone is going to need. This type of food however, is good for the following times:
-After a long day of fighting on the battlefield, you are going to need wellness more than happiness, so this kind of food will replenish it faster
-If you know you will be leaving eRepublik for a few days, buy this food, as it guarantees the most wellness into your account while you are gone
-Your wellness is MUCH lower than your happiness


2) Happiness Over Wellness
"The Happy Meal"

"The Happy Meal" is the second most common type of food on the market, since it offers you more happiness than wellness (for example, a company with 30 points will spend 20 of them on happiness (2 per day of happiness) and the other 10 on wellness (1 wellness a day) for its products). This type will most likely become more and more popular, since the high demand for happiness will become greater and greater due to training, working, studying, etc.. Although not the most common, it should still be used in the following situations:
-If you know you will be spending all of your hours in a day training, studying, and even working (with little time for relaxing), you should use this type, as it gives you more happiness to replace what you lost in a day.
-If you will be gone for a while in eRepublik, but you have lower happiness than wellness when you leave, buy this food as it will help boost your happiness.
-Your happiness is MUCH lower than your wellness


3) Wellness Equal To Happiness
"The Balanced Diet"

"The Balanced Diet" is the least popular kind of food on the market, since it offers you the exact same wellness as happiness on a day-to-day basis (for example, a company with 30 points spends 15 points on both wellness and happiness, giving 1.5 happiness/wellness per day). This is sometimes the smarter choice to buy, as it will help both of your 2 levels equally. It is best to buy this food when:
-You are unsure as to how you will spend the day, either fighting or working. It allows you to now do both.
-Your wellness is about the same as your happiness, and therefore doesn't matter if both go up by the same amount each day.


Moving tickets will have three dimensions to them, happiness, wellness, and itinerary (distance). Although there are many kinds of variations, we will cover off the 5 most common types. You can buy one where the itinerary is the only thing, and wellness/happiness are at zero; you can get a ticket where happiness is greater than the itinerary but smaller than wellness; you can get it where wellness is greater than the itinerary, but smaller than the happiness; you can get it where happiness and wellness are the same and are both more than the itinerary; you can get it where the wellness and happiness are the same, but less than the itinerary.

Note: Moving tickets move you over the world, which is divided up into 20 sections which is seen here:

To calculate your distance, go HERE!


1) No Wellness/Happiness But All Itinerary
"The Economy Class Flight"

"The Economy Class" flight is one of the more popular flight possibilities, in terms of what is currently on the marketplace, since it offers you all itinerary (distance) but no wellness boost and no happiness boost. For example, a company with 40 points (which is a Q1 company in this case), would put all 40 points into itinerary (2 moving distances) and 0 into paper and packaging (wellness and happiness, respectively). These, although not the most common, are still useful in many situations such as:
-Long distance flights overseas where you do not need to worry about wellness or happiness levels going down, especially if they are high
-Short distance flights for a cheap price (since they can max. out at 2 moving spaces cheap at around 5 dollars)
-Good for 2 way flights or "country hopping" (moving through various countries to get to another country)


2) Little Wellness And Health, Some Itinerary
"The Premium Economy Class Flight"

"The Premium Economy Class Flight" dictates that health (wellness) and happiness levels for a particular flight are less than the itinerary value; the wellness and happiness values do not need to be the same, but they are BOTH less than the itinerary value (for example, a Q2 moving ticket company has 80 points, and uses 60 of them on itinerary (3 moving spots) and 5 on wellness (0.5 wellness) and 15 on happiness (1.5 happiness) for the product). Although the most common they are slightly expensive, but are useful for:
-Long distance flights when you have a moderate on slightly low wellness or happiness level
-Short distance flights when you would like a little bit extra wellness or happiness
-Armed militias moving from country to country, as wellness can be restored on the flight


3) Wellness Higher Than Itinerary, But Lower Than Happiness
"The Happy Business Class Flight"

"The Happy Business Class Flight" is when your Wellness value on the ticket, is higher than your itinerary value, but the HAPPINESS value, is greater than your wellness value (for example, on a Q2 moving ticket company, with 80 points, 35 of them are spent on happiness (3.5 happiness), 25 of them are spent on wellness (2.5 wellness), and 20 are spent on itinerary (1 moving distance) for the product). This is of course one of the two least popular kinds of tickets, but can be useful if used in the following ways:
-Short distance flights when your happiness needs to be improved more than your wellness
-Long distance flights where you need more happiness than wellness (but don't mind buying an extra ticket or 2).


4) Happiness More Than Itinerary, But Less Than Wellness
"The Healthy Business Class Flight"

"The Healthy Business Class Flight" is when the wellness factor of your ticket is higher than BOTH the happiness factor and the itinerary (with the happiness factor, however, being greater than the itinerary still). This is the other uncommon type of flight package, but is sometimes useful depending on how it is laid out (for example, a Q2 / 80 point company uses 35 of its points on wellness (3.5 wellness), 25 on happiness (2.5 happiness), and 20 on itinerary (1 moving space) for the product). Although uncommon, it is great for:
-Short distance flights where you need more wellness than happiness
-Long distance flights where you would like a larger boost of wellness (but don't mind buying an extra ticket or 2)
-For militias that need the essential wellness earned back from a fight.


5) Wellness and Happiness Equal, And Greater Than Itinerary
"The First Class Flight"

"The First Class Flight" gives you a large bonus to both your wellness and your happiness during flight, but on the other hand, forces you to buy more tickets due to lack of distance. This is the third most common type of ticket you will find, because it is only found in quality 3 and higher (since, for example, a Q3 company that has 120 points might spend 50 on wellness (5.0 wellness), 50 on happiness (5.0 happiness), but only the remaining 20 will go into itinerary (1 moving distance) for the product). This is usually for people who have a lot of money, and need wellness and happiness, but is also good for:
-Short distance flights after a battle when happiness and wellness are both needed badly (or modestly)
-Long distance flights (more than 1 ticket) where lots of wellness/happiness are needed
-Close Range militias where wellness and happiness are helping people recover


Houses in eRepublik are essential for gaining daily wellness and also daily happiness. In eRepublik, there are three factors for houses, which are: Roofing (determines wellness), Layouts (which determine happiness), and walls (which determine durability/number of days it lasts). All of these can be interchanged, but there are 4 common "types" of houses you can find (although, in the future, there may be more), those being: A house where everything is the same value; a house where the durability is greater than wellness and happiness; a house where wellness and happiness are greater than durability; a house where the wellness and happiness are FAR BELOW the durability.


1) Happiness and Wellness Are Far Below The Durability
"The Basement Apartment Complex"

"The Basement Apartment Complex" is a term given to the type of house that gives you minimal wellness and happiness per day, but in exchange, gives you a long-lasting duration of it. Although not very popular, they can be useful if planned out correctly (for example, a company with 40 points makes a house with 35 points on durability (36 days), 2 points on happiness (0.2 happiness a day), and 2 points on wellness (0.2 wellness a day) on the house). This, although uncommon, is useful in a couple of situations, such as:
-You are leaving eRepublik for a few weeks, and wish to have a house to supply constant wellness. Although small, you will get daily wellness/happiness for your character, and will be full when he/she comes back online
-You just want a small, cheap boost of daily wellness/happiness, but don't want to buy a house too often!


2) Happiness And Wellness Are A Little Below Durability
"The Semi"

"The Semi" is a little bit nicer than the basement-apartment, since it offers more daily wellness and more daily happiness, but at an increased rate of deterioration (less durability). This is the most common type of house since it is well planned out most of the time (since of example, a Q2 house company with 60 points would, perchance, consist of 15 points to both wellness and happiness (1.5 per day of each), and then 30 points to the durability (30 days lasting) for the product). Apartment complexes such as this are slightly more expensive, but give (in the long run) a better deal in happiness and wellness added to your character. These types of houses are usually good for:
-Average workers who like a daily bonus to both their happiness and wellness
-People who can purchase a house for 200 CAD, and don't mind waiting a month or so to buy another one
-People who are leaving eRepublik for a week or so, but need wellness/happiness moderately/a lot


3) Wellness, Happiness, And Durability Are All Equal
"The Fully Detached Home"

"The Fully Detached Home" is the kind of house, that offers you an equal amount of durability, wellness, as well as happiness! These kinds of homes, usually common with Q1 and Q2 houses, can vary in price since they are so popular, and well laid out (since, a company with 60 points simply puts 20 points in each, giving the house 20 Days durability, 2 wellness, and 2 happiness per day). These houses are great for various people such as:
-Average workers who fight and study a lot, and need the large bonus of daily wellness and happiness
-Richer people who don't mind buying a new house every 20 days or so
-Someone who is leaving eRepublik for no more than 1 week, but would still prefer an extra bonus to health and happiness


4) Wellness And Happiness Are Much Greater Than Durability
"The Old Mansion"

"The Old Mansion" style house provides its owner with maximum health and happiness each and every day, but has a very low durability rate, and therefore needs to be re-purchased often (since, a company with 120 (Q3) points might tend to put 50 points for wellness (5.0 wellness a day), 50 points for happiness (5.0 happiness each day), and finally 20 points for durability (20 days) for the product). In this case, this type of house would be for any fighters who need wellness/happiness, but can also be for:
-Short leaves from eRepublik, when health/happiness is really needed
-Fighters who are wounded, and need more health/wellness
-Rich citizens who enjoy buying houses once a month or so in order to gain a high wellness bonus each day

There you have it for now folks!

Please stay tuned for both parts 2 and 3 (what they both contain is listed at the top of this article), and feel free to comment about this article, or feel free to contact me, 00AngryMobMan00, for further explanations to these concepts!

Thank you again fro reading!
