Where do YOU stand on the EDEN issue?

Day 715, 13:49 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson
Democrats endorse Josh Frost
FFFF Erepublik ate my article

The reason I ask is that when the Democratic Party came together to discuss whom to endorse in the November presidential election, all of the candidates’ policies were examined and debated. Far clearer than whom the party should endorse, however, was our stance an issue that has yet to be discussed on the campaign trail: joining EDEN. Almost without exception, the Democratic Party is against the US officially joining EDEN.

Because the candidates both have stated that they would likely join EDEN, their stance on the issue has gone largely unnoticed. The Democratic Party would like to call attention to this. It is one of the most significant, most clearly presidential choices that either candidate will make during their tenure.

Many people have said that it is time to join EDEN because we “owe them”. We owe them nothing. Now, hopefully the trolls will continue to read as I explain. Had EDEN helped us fight PEACE with the explicit expectation that we would join their alliance afterwards, we would owe them. Had they not had something to gain by pushing back PEACE (they were next on the chopping block), we would owe them. Had EDEN sacrificed territory directly in order to save us, we would owe them. None of these are the case.

Okay, you still think we owe EDEN? Fine. Here’s why we would help them, and ourselves, more by staying out of EDEN. Anti-American sentiment, rightly or wrongly, is rampant throughout the RL world and the eWorld. By joining EDEN, we discourage PEACE countries who dislike us from defecting to EDEN. Therefore, if our ultimate goal is antagonizing PEACE, we shouldn’t join EDEN. Many of us weren’t around to remember the mess that was the mega-alliance ATLANTIS. By joining, we would take the alliance one more step towards such a messy mega-alliance. If our ultimate goal is keeping EDEN strong, then we shouldn’t, well, join EDEN. As it is now, we have shown that we are willing and likely to help countries that have helped us in the past. Whether or not we join this alliance, our attitude towards EDEN will not change. The only thing that will change by joining is that we become trapped by a contract. By being held to a contract, we become less maneuverable and less able to satisfy the desires of our own country. A less maneuverable, less happy country is a weaker country. If we want to help ourselves, we shouldn’t join EDEN.

Game Mechanics like the Democrats are often criticized because people think that they argue that real life emotions and values shouldn’t factor in to decision making in eRepublik. This is untrue. Emotions and values have a place in the game. Game Mechanics in no way want to take away the joy of capturing Nunavut or the horror of being pinned in Florida. However, they do urge you to step back and look at the facts. The US already has the Brolliance, and it already has a great relationship with EDEN. Extremely large alliances have failed in the past, and the US will have to prioritize alliances with the rising MPP cost. What do we have to gain by joining EDEN? A pat on the back and a nifty flag. What do we have to lose? Gold, flexibility, happiness, and power. Therefore the Democratic Party cannot and will not support officially joining EDEN.

Article Credit: Mr. Hyphenated