Where do i Stand from pizza's plan

Day 1,520, 13:28 Published in USA Brazil by BlasterXL

am sure you all saw this

i was honestly completely shocked

i get that pizza invited 10 serbs because he knew them, and they appeared to be trust worthy and 10 isn't such a big number .... but lets get to the point

inviting 100s of serbs aimlessly, the most grp of people who want us down in this game, is just plain stupid

common saying that they talked to you and said that they want this,
saying that they want to make peace with USA is also extremely stupid to believe

the short version is: a man would say anything to get what he wants , that includes EVERYTHING !

am sure that pizza won't believe this BS cause he is not stupid

so that gets me to the point. my 2 theories are
1) pizza want to invite serbs just to get u to the presidential seat. pizza is no stupid he knows they are lying.
2) they did not make any contact at all to begin with

anyhow i would never qualify the serbs as trustworthy no matter how many times it gets said

i frankly don't know what to believe anymore, and am sure many of pizza's followers don't either

time could only tell ....... but its not comfortable to wait anymore

what i do know if serbs gets in this country, or if we try to make an alliance with them, this will be the future of eAmerica

doing nothing is worse than doing anything,
because if things go bad u would know that u could have done something to stop it

my position of allying with the serbs has 1 stand and its 100% rejection, its just too risky, i think that 97% it will backfire, and am not willing to take that chance

but what i was talking about be4 is where i stand with pizza ..........

if you proceed with this crazy plan, i will stand in your path and i will try my best to make sure it doesn't succeed. if u wish us to stay friends i will, after and be4 this plan takes action because in the end this is a game, and friends do disagree . but again i fully reject this plan and i will always stand against a plan which i believe will lead to the destruction of eUSA !

that was frankly my opinion , i don't care what is yours in this matter, i know where i stand, and i do want u to stand with me, but i don't care if you don't.

i just wanted to shout my opinion to the eWorld, not that you or anybody cares thou .....