Where Did We Go Wrong?

Day 598, 15:21 Published in United Kingdom Croatia by Kid A
Where did we go wrong?

Ok guys, last time I checked, the UK was a good nation. I've been here a few months, I've only really been active since May. We had our ups and downs with SaraDroz and with Kumnaa, but we made it through. We ploughed on. We are British.

As a nation, we always did what was right. We protected our allies. We did what was best for our people.

So, Hassan Pesaran, answer me this.

Not even one week ago, we fought alongside the United States of America in France. Do you remember Germany? The USA has been our ally for as long as I can remember, and they have been a good ally.

Last time I checked, I didn't vote this government into position so they could flirt with whoever they pleased. I didn't vote them in so they could get some new friends, and stab our old ones in the back.

I voted this government in so they could protect our country's interests. So we could stand strong against those who value gold over freedom!

So, citizens of the United Kingdom, answer me this.

Are you going to let them? Are you going to let this government walk all over us? Or are you going to do something about.

We have a choice. We can keep our old friends, the USA, Canada, others, or we can go down this dark road and throw away everything that ever matter.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.