Where did Bean & Teddy's Money Go!!!!

Day 1,856, 01:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

We have had a lot of thefts in the past. Some we know of . Some maybe not.

The background
We all saw that Bean & Teddy eDied earlier on this year. During this year he was also Country President. During this time Sawc stole a lot of money from the government.

The Facts:

Bean had RL medical issues at this time an appendix of his burst or something and he left SAWC in charge of some orgs. Who abused this power to steal several thousand or million from eIreland. Bean felt very bad about this since he was striving for a land of "more bacon for all" and cuddles for Teddy. Anyway in his article he clearly stated I feel bad about everything and is going to sell all my factories and donate the money to Bootcamp.


A little calculation:
Bean was probably game wise twice my age. I checked he started exactly a year before me. Or should have had twice my wealth. Since I seldom buy gold. At that time we could say he could easily have sold about 400 Gold of companies. I am basing this on my own net worth about. Also near that time the gold to IEP equation was very good so lets conservatively say about 700 IEP per gold. That means his contribution would have been somewhere near 280000 IEP. This seems a lot but is not really for a player of experience.
At that time Irasian was Minister of New Citizens or MONC for short.

DAY:1807 I received a
Message from Irasian saying that Boot Camp members would be leaving boot camp and that I should invite them to my MU.
DAY 1808 I wrote a recruitment page for Sons of Dublin

DAY 1830 or 1832 Irasian is appointed Commander of Bootcamp

In a recent article he claims to have received 5 Gold from the previous commander.

So the facts is on day 1808 Bean& teddy donated all of their money to Boot Camp. On day 1832 Irasian takes over and gets 5 Gold from the last guy Irishgawaen or something.

The next bit comes from a unknown source

"History of Boot Camp

Current Commander: Irasian (doing a good job)
previous: IrishGawain (useless and was removed after 2 weeks)
Previous Rikian1776 (this is the guy you want)

Rikian it seems did not keep any boot camp records and after pressure transferred the Commander to irishgawain when he could not produce any.

if you look the selling companys marketplace, you will find he has or has 1 x Q3 , 2 x Q4, 1 x Q5 for sale and trains every day with all the training units.
he is currently back in boot camp but has no access to supplies or cash.

so where did a noob or relative noob, get gold for all the training facilities and these company's? and why is he selling them.

My sources will not be revealed but I am putting in a ticket now to confirm the transfer from bean&teddy. Stay tuned as this gets even more interesting!!!


This guy is truly a noob age wise http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/5986324
He has been on the game since May this year. In 7 months he accomplished the following:

6 Hard Workers medals: 30 Gold
Rank: World Class Force *** 3
Super Soldier Medals:52???? = 260 GOLD
Battle Hero Medals:133 =665 Gold
Congress Member:4 = 20 Gold
True Patriot: 13 = 65 Gold
Country President:1 ? unknown

1040 Gold earned in +- 6 months

173 Gold earned per month average.

One can compare this to a player like me that left to his own devices is at two ranks back but not near the medals he achieved.
Strength 13000 / 180 = 72 average per day

As pointed out by my informant this is a bit farfetched.

Bootcamp have 41 members. Given their levels and opposition 10 Level 6 weapons per day would do the trick. In fact we hear nothing about any of them getting any weapons. Remember this is a MU not a state org. So money is transferred from MUC to MUC.

Thats 70 IEP per member = 2800 IEP per day x 20 = 56000

I can remember earlier this year selling all my gold for a medal and then buying 300-500 Q6 weapons with it.


-224000 != 5 gold


This is a investigative piece and I want answers from the MU Commander at that time which seems is Rikhian. I am not certain whether I would be able to get the info(amount deposited) from the mods but will anyway try. Also can boot camp members tell me what they have been receiving this year.

Seems a lot is said and made about the IA I wonder if this translates to Boot Camp as well.