When you feel you need some Vacation

Day 1,183, 16:38 Published in Canada Canada by Chucky Norris

I'm at a point where I just simply can't stand anymore the fact that people are blowing things out of proportion all the time, it's quite ridiculous when you think how much distorted and untrue a story can come out in the public if you put the effort into it.

I've seen people hard work been turned to scrap or derision over the course of the last year simply because people wanted to get them. This nation is plagued right now. And as long as people will jump on people without even doing any research, we will continue to lose population, or more to the point, hard workers. A lot of hard working people are being constantly sullied and accussed without any proof of wrong doing. The reason some people are oftenly using is that they can in fact be corrupt. But is there any money missing? No. When we do get robbed, we quickly turn our heads from the thieves and just look at the latest sensation as soon as a ''procedure'' is mishandled.

One of the worst thing I keep seeing, is that we would rather punish hard working indivuals because they don't exactly respect every procedure. Well people, get your head of your a** and start threating this game like it is, a game. People are not paid RL salary for it, they are investing their free time for it and doing so generously I might add. Yet as soon as they make one mistake, even if it has very few impact outside of the procedural world, we will happily feast on them.Too oftenly are we binded by laws that the sneakiest of us are always trying to abuse it's loophole.

And when we don't end up with RPing that impede us, we get to deal with spoiled child and grumpy businessman. I won't say too much on this issue, as the people I've been talking to know who they are. But way too oftenly we take things for granted. Whenever we ask people to chip in to give a greater lifestyle to the less fortunate of us all, they impede progress in order to protect their profit. That's killing a community to some extent imo.

This long rant might sound ungratefull, but I assure you it isn't. I have been here for more than two year. Never once have I left this country for another one. I've been a loyal member of our community. I would be lying if I'd say I've only been in all of this for pure generosity and have always put the country needs ahead of mine. But I can say this however, I've never gone agaisnt the interest of the country. I've always did what I believed would make the country better. This can be seen more specificly in the CAF, where I've put more energy than anywhere else in this game. But nonetheless, I love this country with all it's strenght and weakness. Yes we have our thiefs, our PTOer, our multier. But we also have some great people. People who will always do their best for newer player. Player who aren't gloating about it in newspaper. But just do it for sheer generosity. That's for those people that I'll be coming back. It's for them that I think we still yet have a chance to reverse the motion.

This is why this is not a permanent leave, but rather a 1 month trip to refill my BS tolerance tank. It's something I need in order to be able to still do the job I'm doing here. That's what I need to keep on coping with the crap day after day while working for the country.

I had to tell you this before I leave. Get it out of me as I think that at some point, people need to make a wake up call. And if enought people say it out loud, one day we might start to listen to this warning, and get our SH*T together.

To the CAF member: Just don't care too much about what goes on in the media, you guys are doing great, and the CAF is an awesome army, just don't let trolling get to you too much. People will always try to get you down, but you all are stronger than that. Just keep remembering to be loyal to each other and help the younger member of the organisation progress so they can too become strong fighters for Canada.

Aux membre de l'UN: Je reviens dans pas long, mais faites attention à vous, principalement, ne vous laisser pas trop influencer par n'importe qui, rester vrai, rester intègre. ET SURTOUT faite vos recherches avant de passer des conclusions hatives.

To TCO: I'll be missing your buttiness. You guys sure are fun when you want to.

I'll be taking some time off with the US army

This is the best place I can think of to renew myself. These folks are awesome and I hope I'll be able to learn a thing or two there while I'll be there. Maybe improvement we could benefit from.

In the meantime, take care and don't lose hope.