When Our Creation Needs to Evolve

Day 936, 12:55 Published in USA USA by Gulden Draak

If you came here hoping for a real life debate between creationism and evolution, I am afraid I have misled you. However, while you are here you might as well read, vote, and sub this paper to actually discover what I am talking about. Let’s get this article poppin’ :

You may have realized by now, that the admins only provide the basics required for the game. In order for a country to be successful in this game, we must create things and come up with ideas for us to succeed. For instance, when the admins introduced the war module, our country came up with an organized military. The admins did not require that countries have a formal military, this is something we created in order to enhance our game experience and strength as a nation. We have also created the cabinet to help aid the President in decision making and the Department of the Interior to help aid the new players that join. There are several other programs that I have not mentioned, but all these things are our creation. In other words, the admins have provided the picture frame but it is up to us to create the picture . However, the time has come for our creation to evolve or change if you will. My fellow Americans, it is time we paint ourselves a new picture and I want a damn Mona Lisa.

Give me this America

As I am sure you have noticed, we are rapidly approaching the release of V2, the new version of this game. In fact within the week, every citizen will be able to try out the beta version of V2. After the testing period of beta V2 is over, it should be released. V2 will add several new aspects to our game play, particularly in the war and economic modules. Whenever something new to the game is introduced, such as V2, we must change our creation . The Department of the Interior must change the way they interact with new players and the military must come up with new strategies that will lead to success on the battlefield. If we fail to adequately change our creation, our nation will fall behind .

You may be under the impression that you cannot help to change our creation, but I am here to tell you otherwise. As stated previously, within the week everyone will be able to try out beta V2. As you are trying out the new version of the game, have fun but also observe your surroundings. If you are a member of our nation’s military, soak in the battlefield and other aspects of the new military module. Come up with ideas on how we could win battles and report your ideas to your commanders. If you are a writer, jot down some ideas that could help our nation. Formulize those ideas into coherent sentences and publish an article on it. For our nation to be successful in V2, we must all contribute thoughts and ideas not just the President, economic advisors, or the JCS. We must all become kings of our new domain, all of us must become lions of V2.

WTF you looking at?

In closing, for us to gain a leg up on the other nations heading into V2, we must communicate our ideas. The caste system that sometimes separates us is no more. We are all in the same boat, from the player who has been playing for a week, to the person that has been playing for a year. We are all learning something new . As you enter your journey into the realm of V2, have fun but also keep your wits about you. Look for things that need fixing and figure out how to fix those things. Our forums located here , already has several threads set up to discuss V2 so feel free to share your ideas there. Also on IRC, we have the channel #beta set up to help spread ideas. For those reluctant to discuss the game off site, I will be setting up a on-site chat room to help further discussion. My fellow citizens, pick up your paintbrush and add a few strokes to our new painting . Until next time…….

Stay thirsty my friends,

Gulden Draak