WHBR 1760.2 - ¡Evolución y la dialéctica!

Day 1,760, 18:40 Published in USA USA by Silas Soule
White House Back Room - Day 1760.2 - Evolution and Dialectics!

Mariela Castro denouncing her uncle's "New" Media Regime -- ¡porque se puede! Georgia on my mind

Location: Edward R. Murrow Back Room, The White House

Today's Agenda, Three Segments:
1. The tragedy of the pizza
2. That which does not die makes us stronger
3. The Counter-counter revolution

Where there is Nothing, read that I love you

When an atheist philosopher writes about pizza, she should take great care to resist the temptation of accusing another of being pizza-filled while excusing herself for being philosophical: it is as if I were to renounce wine because it would make you drunk.

The temptation is greatest when examining the obscene underbelly of pizza. For example, there is a not-so-secret tradition that makes homage to those who obsessively observe the disintegration of the pizza. This tradition is not about the Pizza itself, and how it slid unceremoniously to the floor so many times, and its inane, never-ending, caterwauling suffering; rather it is linked to what first-century Bishop St. Aristobulus called "those who came to watch".

They come from both east and west, from the city and the plain. Not in reverence of the pizza, but to lust at the spectacle of its downfall.

The tradition is that such "watchers" will be doomed to walk the e-Earth eternally and to bear witness to all forms of e-suffering. Here, immortality is not a blessing but a curse.

The question is: is there not always an element of lust in witnessing a traumatic event like accidentally reading a goopy, moronic article about pizza? And does not the claim that we commented on such articles out of compassion and respect for our fellow players make it even more hypocritically worse?

There is yet a deeper message to this aspect of pizzaology; and of course it has two sides. On the one hand, does not the saintly person use the suffering of others to bring about his own narcissistic sastisfaction in helping those in distress? And does not Pizza itself ultimately love only itself, and merely use playerdom to promulgate his own glory?

Considering these facts, we can logically conclude that -- utterly contrary to standard pizzaian views -- nobody would have been lost had pizza never come to save the e-Earth; and every player had to fall so that pizza could be delivered to some of them.

There is one more thing. We all know that the fall of the pizza is a key step in realizing the goal of e-creation, so... At no time could the Pizza-Sky-Father himself have been happier than when he was observing his cheesy creation slipping and sliding off the plate and landing splat! on the floor.

That which does not die makes us stronger

A side note: Lydia Guevara, grand-daughter of el Che, promotes the vegetarian revolution. (That's not Lydia above, that's her mother, Celia.)

The Rashoman effect is the effect of the subjectivity of perception on recollection, by which observers of an event are able to produce substantially different but equally plausible accounts of it. It is named for Akira Kurosawa's film Rashomon, in which a crime witnessed by four individuals is described in four mutually contradictory ways.

Thus we have Che Anarchy, from the perspective of the impoverished peasants in the SFP, a saint-like rejuvinator of the Socialist Freedom Party, who grew the party even more than Osmany Ramon did.

From a "popular" media perspective, judging from his many Presidential bids and tireless media work, there is Che Anarchy, the political operator par excellence, a tireless champion of innovative game techniques.

Then there is Che Anarchy in the limelight, as accidental President, whose choices (in a meaningless game) made him the object-to-be-watched of epic nearly-pizza-like proportions.

And in the presently-being-presented flash of pixels, there's Che Anarchy of the New Media Regime (and, of course, the Anti-New Media Critique -- you're welcome), bringing a giggle or two to the masses with his ersatz "communism", in collusion with a burnt-out brigade of hangers-on and running dogs some buddies.

Yes. Cleverer readers will no doubt have noted that this could be criticized as a terrible example of the Rashoman effect, since these notes describe four different Che Anarchy's from four distinct periods in his e-career. And that would be correct, in the idiotic fashion of a Captain Obvious. But obviously, or perhaps I should say, to be more accurate, imbecillically, I am meditating not on the "historical" and "factual" Che Anarchy, but am painting a mental portrait of the eternal Che Anarchy, legendary player.

At the end of the day, does it matter whether he was really a ruthless killer or -- more like his daughter Celia -- a compassionate curator of exemplary dolphin care?

After all, does it not matter more to be more like Joe Hill than like some two-clicking Joe Schmoe?


You know, the old Wobbly song...

And standing there as big as life,
And smiling with his eyes
Joe says, "What they forgot to kill
Went on to organize."

"Joe Hill ain't dead", he says to me
"Joe Hill ain't never died.
Where working men are out on strike,
Joe Hill is at their side."

Crucial here is the subjective reversal: the mistake of the anonymous narrator who does not believe that Joe Hill is still alive is that he forgets to include himself, his own subjective position, in the series: Joe Hill is not alive "out there", as a separate ghost; he is alive here, in the very mind of the e-workers remembering him and continuing to fight -- he is alive in the very gaze which (mistakenly) looks for him out there.

The same mistake of "reifying" the searched-for object is made by the disciples of pizza.

The Counter-counter revolution

Likely all of this e-tragedy and eternity-of-e-suffering can be corrected by pondering the famous words of the Nazarene: "Where two or three are gathered in my name, I will be there." When we locate ourselves within this spirit, we are ourselves transubstantiated, entering another e-life beyond the e-biological one, and achieve an ironic displacement of the symbolic order. It is this Idea -- this possibility for displacement -- that matters more to recovering our e-humanity than any "true" or "false" "facts" regarding this particular legendary character.

Recommended Reading:

| Roar of Lion | Insurreccionista | The Daily Dealer |

PQ -- Reclaiming pizza for the workers since Day 910!