Whats up with communication?

Day 1,065, 13:55 Published in South Korea South Korea by Khorne The blood god

Ok good people, I come before you today with a message that i feel is important, let me begin with a short tale, When I began my eLife here it was a different place, The community was very close, not to say that the current community isn't close now, but now to the same degree. I felt very connected to everyone and always talked to other members of the community. The reason for the difference is plane to me as the glorious rays of the sun.

The thing that separates this era in our great nation is the use of the national forum, i would be willing to bet that some of us don't even know where to find the forum! I remember a day when the president spade had his account viciously hacked, and the forum was destroyed for a short time, I remember the havoc that that wreaked and the ensuing chaos that followed when a moon apostle that went by the name Elgrand made a second forum and what i call the "forum wars" to decide the fate of the national forum happened.

Back in those days losing the forum for even a few days was a big deal, but now I bet that of the forum was closed right this second no one would really know.

Some of you reading this will undoubtedly ask "why is the forum important?", and I shall answer that question! It allows us to strengthen the ties in our community and make informed decisions about issues. Lets face it, we are a small nation good people, are strengths have always been in our community and our ability to act fast in dire situations, But if no one knows whats going on, or talks to each other than how can that happen?

So the point good people is thus, I implore you to go here: http://esouthkorea.freeforums.org/index.php
and sign up, introduce yourself and get a mask, then contribute!

I also have a question for our noble administration, Who are the mods for the forums, and would you be willing to make me one so i can help reinvigorate them?

Also good people, head over to the IRC when you are idling around you're computer, Its a lot of fun and a good way to communicate with you're peers.

Lastly If any of you feel the call of the sun king, or just feel the need to make eSK a better place, join us in the Solar Temple and have you're voice heard.

Thats all for today good people, Have a good night,morning, afternoon or whatever it is where you are, and as always BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!!