What will USA do next?

Day 480, 11:04 Published in USA Mexico by doushie

Greetings, USA citizens and soldiers.

Recently, the USA invaded my country, Mexico, for reasons that are yet unknown due to the complete secrecy and corruption hidden around them. Whatever the real reason was for the war, I have to wonder, what next?

I have a certain sympathy for the USA. Despite their attacks on Mexico, a neutral country whose ties to PEACE had been at best minimal, the USA is still a good country, and looks after its citizens well. The problem now with Mexico is that the USA, due to its obligations to ATLANTIS, has to not only send soldiers and tanks to assist Romania in the war against Indonesia, but also has to fight off Portugal, who borders your territories already.

In short, it looking rather drastic for the USA.

However, it does not have to be this way. Uncle Sam's congress has shown its displeasure with him, with at least half of Congress voting in favour of impeachment. What has Uncle Sam done for the USA so far then? Apart from ensuring that the USA is at war with most of PEACE, it has also betrayed its own alliance, ATLANTIS, by not informing them of his intention to invade Mexico. Although ATLANTIS and USA have made concessions and deals, the fact remains that if one ally betrays another, then the alliance is weakened. You may say that other countries did the same, but the majority of them have paid their debts, or had been provoked into war.

I do not blame America for its troubles, however, but I do blame Uncle Sam who led you into this mess.

Now, onto a solution that is good for everyone.

Make peace with PEACE. Mexico, despite its hostility to the USA, has little interest in further conflict, but rather rebuilding its economy and industry and ensuring that enemies such as the Polish Pirates who led a Political Takeover would be beaten back. Now, PEACE can continue the war, but it would be at the expense of the USA, and other areas in which your attentions are required. Indonesia is a threat to everyone, not just ATLANTIS, but PEACE as well. If they defeat Romania, then you've just lost one of the biggest blocks to Indonesia's power. The USA, despite its successes in Mexico, needs to realise the vast differences between Mexico and Indonesia, and look outside its borders, rather than close to home.

Uncle Sam, if you read this, then I urge you to make peace. The war does not have to continue. The only thing that you will be expected to do is pay minimal war reperations that will boost Mexico's economy, and begin trade links between the two countries that will benefit not just Mexico itself, but the USA as well.

For peace and liberty to all, the Worldly Expression bows out.

Reply to so called peace talks between USA-Mexico/Portugal

Actually, if you check, you'll find that nowhere does it say that Mexico or Portugal agree to the statement. There was no warning of any attempt for peace, and there certainly was no talks before Sam published a peace treaty. Uncle Sam has simply gone ahead and made conditions without even talking to PEACE.

I also wonder, can any American congressmen say whether or not Sam talked to Congress before he published the contract?