What to do? Admins - its time to chage the eWorld!

Day 1,117, 12:07 Published in Germany Germany by Pleiade

Dear Admins,

the newest changes in game mechanisms when a country ist completely erased from the new world take the chance of surviving and even more they take the chance of existing in the New World for every small country.
We understand you want that countrys that are erased have some real desadvantage from that. But giving all Companys to the winning country is no solution at all. Its not even a benefit for the country, that won the war.
Lets do something, that is in between instead. Why not say, that if a country is erased, the winning side is disassambling all the companys of the inferior country. So in case this country comes back to the map again, every company-owner has to pay some gold in order to buy new machines or what ever.

Wouldnt it be a possibility, to let the companys belong to the erased country and make a new rule, that in order to run a company again, when the country ist back on the map, the owner has to pay like 10% of the total costs of the company.
That would bring quite some damage to the inferior country, but not sets its economy to zero and making it nearly impossible for this country to build up an running economy.

Think about it. 🙂