What the Nation Needs From You

Day 930, 20:18 Published in USA USA by Gulden Draak

No introduction today. The title pretty much says it all, so let’s jump straight in my friends.

We Need Soldiers

In my personal opinion, everyone who fights in this game is a soldier. While you may or may not join a military branch, I still believe that everyone who fights for our nation is a soldier for the country. To build a stronger nation, we need citizens to join the military and citizens to fight effectively without joining the military.

Joining the military :

For those interested in getting more involved within the game, joining the military is a great option. Joining the military does require a small time commitment, but in return you meet several new people, you get free guns to fight, and you get free moving tickets to fight in important battles overseas.

If you are looking to advance in the game, meet new players, and get free stuff click on Uncle Sam below and begin your military journey today!

Being a Civilian Soldier

If you cannot make the time commitment for the military, or you just do not want to join that is fine. However, you still play a vital part in helping to make our nation stronger. We need you to rank up so that we are better equipped to face our enemies. Weapons are important for ranking up faster, and I know what you want to say, but “Gulden I am just a simple civilian who lives day by day and I cannot afford weapons” That is pure non-sense I say . Did you know, that Arm America is a program that gives out free weapons to citizens who live in Karnataka and are ranked at general or below? That is right my friends, the government will give you free weapons so you can rank up faster.

Put those tax dollars you pay everyday to good use and click on the lovely lady below to get your free weapons today!

Part of being a soldier is following orders whether you are in the military or not. While some members of the military may have special orders, all civilian soldiers should follow the DoD orders. The DoD orders are updated multiple times a day to let citizens know where their damage is needed the most. If you haven’t already, subscribe to the DoD orders and vote them up every time a new order is published. To subscribe to the DoD orders click the DoD seal below and you will directed to their newspaper:

We Need Volunteers

In order to improve our retention rates, we must put effort into doing so. Simply talking about improving retention does nothing. Actions speak louder than words . Volunteering is essential to gaining more players and building a stronger nation. There are several opportunities which require just minutes a day, so do not feel like you are going to have to spend a bunch of added time on the game. Please if you have the time, volunteer to help build a better nation. To volunteer click on the image below, to fill out a form and you will be contacted about various jobs that need to be filled. Ask anybody of real power in our nation, and they will tell you that volunteering is often the first step to achieving greatness. Volunteer today!

We Need People To Read, Vote, and Subscribe

Are you tired of seeing foreign trolls dominate our media? Well one way to combat this, is to improve our own media. We need people to read articles, vote of articles, and subscribe to papers they like. While I understand everyone does not enjoy the same type of media, there are a couple papers that everyone should subscribe to too help further our nation.

The President Chocolate McSkittles paper. Click image and subscribe

The Pony Express . The Pony Express promotes good articles written by our media. Click image to subscribe:

The Briefing Room The Briefing Room is responsible for putting out White House Press Releases, which will give you a general idea of what is happening in our government. As always click image and subscribe:

Well that is all for now. To improve our nation we need action and not just talk. To win big battles we must prepare to win them not just talk about winning them. To raise retention we must take time to help our new players. To keep out foreign media we need to vote up our own media . Please do what I mentioned above and if you can’t do them all then just pick one and do it. Until next time……

Stay thirsty my friends,

Gulden Draak