What it means to be eIrish

Day 1,480, 15:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irasian

Grainne Ni Mhaille brought up and interesting topic to write about in my opinion in this article: [MoC] The Media in eIreland. “What does it mean to be eIrish?”
From other countries I have heard that the eIrish are to be greatly respected due to helping their allies in need and their honourable way of fighting.
There was a time when some of us deployed to eAustralia to help in taking back eAustralia from the eIndonesians or when the Irish forces deployed in eUkraine and pretty much single handed held off the invading forces.

We also have a fair share of conflicts that we are incapable of dealing with by ourselves and in which we really on our great friends that we have all over the eworld, I remember a battle where one of eCroatians brother’s paramilitary unit took Shannon pretty much by themselves. eKux I believe his name was.
We have even had ONE members fight for us due to them respecting us more than the opposing side. eSerbians, eHungarians and eTurks just to name a few of the nations that fought for us.

In my opinion to be truly eIrish one must be willing to help out their brothers and sisters even though one is in trouble themselves.

I find these words reoccur a lot when someone tells me of the eIrish:

- Honour
- Respect
- Fearless
- Brotherhood

And in the case of some eIrishmen, not naming anyone in particular:

- Trolls

Being an eIrishman I believe is a great honour. We are thought of fondly by most nations that contact us. We have great standings in the community.

Yours sincerely,

*NOTE* This is just a personal opinion and not what it actually takes to be an eIrish citizen.

And now a joke I heard recently:

An Irishman walked out of a bar. What? It is bound to happen eventually.