What Is Victory?

Day 904, 18:56 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton
I woke up this morning hopeful, truly hopeful. I figured we had a good chance of winning Lion King. I had to trump off to school before I could check the computer though, and when I got home I found this: http://www.erepublik.com/en/battles/show/10371

I was of course disappointed. But I realized something.

This is merely a setback. This reminds me of when Hungary held Manitoba in Canada. They could win the battle, but because of game mechanics we could keep attacking. In China, we are in the same situation. We lost the battle, but the war rages on. And Serbia can't attack because they'd activate enough MPPs to kick them out easily. But we can keep attacking. Over, and over and over again. It's only a matter of time. We can attack when our gold reserves are high, and when Serbia is distracted. Victory is ours. Maybe not at the moment, but the battlefield is in our favor. And I say in our favor because the United States and China are close. It's always been a pleasure working with them, and we look forward to doing so in the future.

So what is victory? Is it a single battle?
No. C'mon guys, set your expectations higher.

Is it a single war? You're getting closer.
It depends on the war. History will show us that certain wars will set the stage for years to come. And those wars..they take planning. They take advantages. They take pure blood, sweat and tears. But the results can be amazing. You still feel the repercussions of the Romanian march around the world. In fact one could say that the 2 mega alliances of the world are based around the old wars.

But Interestingly, this road may be changing. The United States has proclaimed that we will not be joining any mega alliance, but will of course continue to work with EDEN. But we will mainly be working with only 1 nation at a time, and yes this is a game changer. The main benefit, as stated in this amazing article is the ability to deal with the world as it adapts and changes.

We've been fighting the same battles of a single war for well over a year. With the freedom that will come in China, the war will be nearly over. The results of the Romanian march will be nearly finished. Indonesia doesn't occupy the world anymore, and neither does Hungary. America, it's time to finish the old war and start the new one.

What is the new war?
Only time will tell, but now we're better equipped to handle it.

~Joe Newton,
Director of the OPO, Adviser to the President.

"The civilities of the great are never thrown away." Dr. Johnson
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