What is the Dauven Report?

Day 1,618, 06:41 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Mr. Dauven

Hello everyone,

For the first article I decided to explain what the Dauven Report is all about.
The Dauven Report is a 'name' play on the American newssite The Drudge Report.

In the Dauven Report I will write about political news, my own experience in ePolitics and sometimes more personal things (probably music spam).

Today are also the elections for congress, something I'll write the next article about.

If you're from the southern part of the eNetherlands, do not forget to vote for Sir Creemers and me to make sure the Dutch Guilder Party wins some seats this election!
We also have SquareOfRoot in the Western part of the eNetherlands who probably would not mind an extra vote or two. 😉

Goodday to all of you,
Mr. Dauven