What is Brotherhood?

Day 1,604, 09:56 Published in China China by crazymi

The most important battle of today. Guarding the Croatia Last land.

We throw all we have to ensure the victory, both same.

China focus their force all the day in this campaign. Our commanders watch the battle from 16 hours ago til now (as I watch the whole day) We keep throwing our dmg every hour in this campaign.

And we decided to deal it in roung 11.

(Below is a chatting software we use,QQ. Most of the Chinese use this in Net)

In round 11, after we threw all the ff we have(at least 20 million, haven't count) We encourage our warriors to use BZK/energy bar to fight, to against ScymeX (20 milion at that time).

and here is the result.

and more and more.....tried to mentioned here 🙂

If you check the above profile, you will find that most of them are around
3k~5k strength ( some even only have 2k+ strength). They are not BIG tanks neither Visa-player. Most of them just having 0.19 booster and they only got 1 to 2 BH medals. They are negligible when compare with those BIG TANKS.

But, even then, they still distribute all the things they have, not for any medals or reputation (most of them even can't get into the Top5, and some of us fight with our new record in this battle ).

We fight ,because we want to help!

Maybe we are weak, we can never reach the same state of ScymeX or Romper;
Maybe we are poor, we can not play with money burning;
Maybe we are negligible, we can not even appear in Top5;

We are weak, but we are unit!
We are poor, but we will distribute all for allies but not just ourselves!
We are negligible, but we can stop you!

Most important thing is, we are not the only one!

And I believe, all of us, T/Eden brothers will agree,

This's Brotherhood!

Hail eCroatia!
Hail eChina!
Hail T/Eden Brothers!!

BATTLE still going on when I wrote it, but I know, we have already won it.
And not just this one.


EDIT: Thank Z N Gorki !
He gave every one who did 2million 5 Gold as reward! xDD
It seems that he was ran out of money for this, o7!
(Again, we distribute all even we are not rich!)