What does the DAP stand for?

Day 643, 11:32 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by DAP Fund

The DAP, first and foremost, stands for a strong, free, and United nation. A nation is only as strong as its morals and its people, and the DAP will make sure that the founding beliefs of our predecessors are maintained and kept strong.
1. The DAP stands for absolute, complete, neutrality between the major alliances. I know that our citizens come from all manner of nations, whether EDEN, Fortis, or PEACE, but I am asking you to put aside your personal preferences and instead work for the betterment of the nation.
2. The DAP stands for strong Allies. FRoSEA is a founding member nation of Sol, and it is our Sol allies that have helped us in our recent Thailand Emergency. Without our allies, we are simply another sitting duck for any rogue group to try and kill. The DAP will always keep our alliances strong, and our citizens safe.
3. The DAP stands for transparent government. One of the worst problems plaguing the eWorld today is corruption. One need only look at the Americans, who have two leaders who have admitted to corruption and have been banned in absolute disgrace. I pledge to you that you will never find a DAP member engaged in corrupt activities. If you do, we will make sure that that corrupt politician never gets into office again.
4. The DAP stands for a powerful nation. Even a nation with excellent morals still needs people. If elected to office, we will do everything in our power to bring more people to the FRoSEA until we have over 1000 people.

Albert Neurath