What Canada Wants

Day 637, 21:23 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Jacobi

There's been some interesting articles in the UK media by a Canadian fellow named Augustus Baldwin. You may remember him as the fellow who spent his pre-war time trying to bring down my government.

He does not speak for me. He does not speak for Canada. It is really unclear if he even speaks for himself half the time.

Anyways, we're apparently not friends anymore, but that doesn't mean that anytime we win back a region the vast majority of Canadians want to gloat about it or to write "lulz, epic fail!" in the British media.

No. All Canadians really want is our country back.

That's it. There's nothing beyond that at this point. The minute we get our country back, we're not going to immediately conspire to declare war on the UK and extract revenge, or plan some big massive putsch through to Hungary to regain our military pride. We're probably going to breathe a collective sigh of relief and get back to the messier task of rebuilding a country that has been utterly smashed.

Maybe not as much fun, but much more necessary.

So when I see British citizens, I look at the ones who fought red because they would prefer the days when we were allies, and I think about how we will re-establish friendly nations between our two governments. And really now, there's only one thing in the way: Alberta.

We want it back and I think at this point everyone knows we're not going to magically give up tomorrow, a week from now, a month from now, or however long it will take to get it back. We were the people who would rather our country be wiped off the map than to give away a single province in a contract. Its just not us.

So I'm talking to your government, and I'm hoping that we can have a peaceful resolution that's mutually satisfactory for all of us and, just as importantly, can serve as the starting point to rekindling the friendship between Canada and the United Kingdom.

It has to start somewhere...let it be Alberta.

John "Jacobi" Carpenter
Prime Minister of Canada