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Day 1,077, 19:30 Published in Romania Romania by Bogdan_L
For my international subscribers (eSerbs included) that's an article about internal affairs. Feel free to vote or just unsubscribe🙂you have the english translation

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Dragi cetateni,

S-a implinit aproape o luna de cand am primit increderea voastra. Daca a fost inspre cele bune sau nu ramane ca voi sa decideti.

Romania in urma cu o luna se rezuma la teritoriile originare. 9 la numar. Intre timp noi am fost martorii sau partasii activi ai unei mici expeditii/schimbari. Am luptat treptat pentru SGP si am invins, am luptat pentru Northern Basarabia si pentru Transnistria si am invins. Am luptat chiar si pentru Central Hungary, cu sanse mai putine de izbanda. Insa a venit vremea sa luptam pentru Podolia, o batalie fantastica pe care am castigat-o in primul rand datorita dedicatiei voastre. A fost un succes mare, eram mai mari, mai puternici, insa parca nu eram ceea ce ne doream. Inca!

Am castigat Ucraina aproape, nu e putin lucru! Insa...nu e tot.

Asa incat am trecut mai la est. Si-am luptat pentru Central Black Earth, pentru Volga, pentru North Caucasus pentru ca in final sa ajungem la punctul terminus al calatoriei noastre: Urali

Le-ati castigat pe toate. Toate aceste batalii si dovada hartii stau marturie pentru efortul vostru. Sunt amintiri pentru distractia avuta, pentru munca si rezultate. Am sters Rusia de pe harta!

Dar nu numai atat. Am avut parte de numeroase incercari ale rusilor. Probabil cele mai multe incercari de revenire au fost in teritoriile ocupate de catre noi. Si toate incununate de succes. De succesul vostru!

Dar parca nu a fost suficient. Asa incat am trecut printr-o mare invazie. Ungaria a atacat Transilvania(da, chiar au facut'o!). Serbia a atacat Banatul, iar bulgarii Muntenia. Nu va mint, ne-a trecut glontul pe la ureche. Efortul adversarilor a fost fantastic, ii puteti intreba. Insa efortul, munca si dedicatia voastra i'a coplesit. Fie ca a fost vorba de noi cetateni, fie ca a fost vorba de super eroi precum Alex Craciun, Bogdan Adamutz, ifrodo, blackpanther, fedor si foarte multi altii (imi cer iertare celor ce nu i'am mentionat) Efortul nostru a fost incununat de succes si am trecut prin aceasta incercare pe care Romania nu o mai intalnise: invazia!

In urmatoarele zile ne-am aplecat asupra vechilor nostri prieteni, ungurii. Ne-am recuperat Crisana, am luat si NGPul unguresc, temporar am cucerit si North Hungary.

Forta Romaniei a crescut pe masura cuceririlor si a rezistentei impotriva adversarilor. Daca la ora aceasta Romania este alaturi de Polonia singura tara care isi poate proteja cuceririle, este datorita voua. Lucru pentru care ar trebui sa fiti mandri si pentru care va multumesc.

Luptele nu au depins numai de noi. Pentru ca atunci cand lupti impotriva unor forte ai nevoie de aliati care sa'ti fie aproape. Si asa cum ei ne-au fost, si noi am facut totul in sprijinul aliatilor.

Am contribuit cred eu decisiv in stergerea Rusiei de pe harta si mai ales in mentinerea castigurilor pana la alegerile parlamentare. Ne-am implicat in foarte multe lupte externe, insa ultima chiar este de mentionat. Aportul Romaniei in Peninsular Malaysia, penultima regiune sarbeasca din Asia a fost fantastic. Coordonarea, implicarea civililor si unitatilor , toate au fost exceptionale.

Toate acestea au necesitat multa munca si daruire, Nu as vrea sa fac o insiruire de nume a caror aport a fost indiscutabil. Vreau doar sa mentionez daruirea tuturor celor pe care i-am cunoscut mai bine in aceasta luna.

Pentru aducere aminte sa facem un mic istoric:

30 de batalii contra Ungariei, 21 de victorii, 9 infrangeri(multe dintre ele drain damage).
4 batalii contra Rusiei: 4 victorii, 4-0
Foarte multe RWuri, toate castigate!
7 batalii contra Serbiei: 6 castigate 1 pierduta

Insa bataliile nu sunt tot. Am avut senzatia ca odata cu succesul Romaniei, multi cetateni, mai noi sau mai vechi s-au alaturat ideii de a vedea Romania din nou vioara intai!

Multe mai sunt inca de facut. In primul rand pe plan intern. Daca la nivelul bataliilor si al relatiilor cu aliatii Romania a fost la superlativ, intern este inca mult de lucru. Zona in care as vrea sa'mi dedic activitatea ulterioara.

Daca considerati ca echipa care a muncit si ajutat la realizarea acestor succese este meritorie, daca credeti ca va pot ajuta in continuare, imi ofer disponibilitatea pentru un nou mandat.

In orice caz sunt convins ca indiferent de candidati si indiferent de castigator, cel ce va prelua Romania de pe 5 noiembrie va incerca sa ne duca chiar mai departe.

Hai Romania!

Dear citizens,

We have almost one month since I received your trust.If it was for the good or for the worse you'll decide.

When I came into the office, Romania had all the original territories. 9 at number. Meanwhile we have been witnesses or just involved in a small expedition or jurney. We have fought for SGP and we have won, we have fought for Northern Basarabia and for Transnistria and we have won. We even have fought for Central Hungary even we didn't have too many chances. But the time came to fight for Podolia, fantastic battle, won because of your involvement and effort. It was a big success, we were stronger, but we didn't get at the point that we wanted it. Not yet!

We brought Ukraine on our side, not a small thing. But, that's not all.

So, we went a little bit on the East side Fighting for Central Black Earth, for Volga, for North Caucasus to finally fight for the last objective of our jurney: Urals

You won them all. All those battles, the map, are all the prove of your effortThese are our memories for the fun that we had, for all the good work and of course for the results. We deleted Russia from the map!🙂

But not only that!We had many tentatives of the russians, maybe the most from all the expanding countries. But all of them have been won by us. By you!

But like it wasn't enough. So we had to deal with the great invasion. Hungary attacked Transilvania, Serbia has attacked Banat, and bulgarians hit us inMuntenia. I won't lie to you, it was by a short margin. Very short. The effort of the attackers was fantastic, you can ask them. But all your effort, dedication and your work has prevailed. Even we are talking about the new citizens, even it's about the great heroes like Alex Craciun, Bogdan Adamutz, ifrodo, blackpanther, fedor and many more (my apologize for those unmentioned ) Our effort brought us our win, so we could pass something not even tried in eRep history for Romania: the invasion!

In the next days we came back to our friends from Hungary, we brought back Crisana , took NGP and temporarily North Hungary.

The power of Romania increased with all the new territories and the way how we kept them. If at this hour,Romania(besides Poland) is the only country to keep powerful colonies it is because of you.You should be proud for your accomplishments and I want to thank you for that.

But the battles didn't depend only on us. Because when you fight against strong enemies, you need friends to have them close. And so they did, like we did it for them.

We did a great input at the erase of Russia but mainly to keep all the colonies until the Congress elections We have fought in numerous external fights, but the last one needs to be mentioned. I'm really proud the way how romanian troups have fought in Peninsular Malaysia the one before last serbian region in Asia.

Let's make a short history:

30 battles against Hungary, 21wins, 9 losts(many drain-damage).
4 battles against Russia: 4 wins, 4-0
Many RWs, all won!
7 battles against Serbia: 6 wins 1 lost

There are many other things to do. If the battles and the relationship inside the alliance is just great, we still have much work inside of our country.

If you feel like my team and I helped for all these achievements, if you really think I can help you, I would like to present my desire to do that for the next month.

Hail Romania!