Western Australia: For Teh Lulz

Day 710, 00:19 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden



Western Australia is liberated, for teh lulz!

shoot initiated the RW.
shoot is the #1 ranked eSwede.

Battle Hero for the Resistance was eUS Field Marshal sukoidha with -25,379 in damage.

Battle Hero for eIndonesian Occupiers was #2 ranked eIndonesian Field Marshal Ond3L who scored 37,364 in damage.

The wall was above 150,000 with under 10 minutes to go.

Then EDEN showed up.


PEACE GC is getting their guts served to them on a silver platter.

With Western Australia reverting back to eAustralian control, the eIndonesians have lost
access to 1 of 2 High Diamond regions, and one High Grain.

Something tells me that the lonely eIndian region of Madhya-Predesh with a population of 19
is about to be considered strategic.


eCanadian Hotsheet
Allied Hotsheet


eIndonesians waking up this morning. Better call your mom,
your girlfriend ain't gonna help you with this one.
